Print outs

so TM in work says drivers are using to many till rolls doing print outs , and it is a legal requirement to hand in printouts within 28 days ? and if we need to know anything about hours we should ask when digi has been downloaded , is it true that you need to hand in print outs?

You only need to do a printout if you’ve got something to explain, for example wrong mode switch or running over hours.

Under normal circumstances, no printouts are required, your company can download your card so why hand printouts in every 28 days?

You only need to do a printout if you’ve got something to explain, for example wrong mode switch or running over hours.

Under normal circumstances, no printouts are required, your company can download your card so why hand printouts in every 28 days?

Thats what i thought only been there a few weeks , can’t understand how too many till rolls are being used lol :question: :question:

You only need to do a printout if you’ve got something to explain, for example wrong mode switch or running over hours.

Under normal circumstances, no printouts are required, your company can download your card so why hand printouts in every 28 days?

Yes i’ll second this ^^^ no legal requirement to do a printout.

so TM in work says drivers are using to many till rolls doing print outs , and it is a legal requirement to hand in printouts within 28 days ? and if we need to know anything about hours we should ask when digi has been downloaded , is it true that you need to hand in print outs?

Why would you ask him about hours when he clearly doesn’t know what he’s talking about already :slight_smile:

We must hand any printouts in after 28 days.

Interesting, I had to do a print out after a malfunction of the unit and write on the back.

The card down loaded OK and for what ever reason showed I had done other work for 6 days straight, 24 hours a day!! The print out showed I had worked/driven correctly.

How can I keep the print out to show VOSA etc that I had been with in the law if I hand it in after 28 days.

Interesting, I had to do a print out after a malfunction of the unit and write on the back.

The card down loaded OK and for what ever reason showed I had done other work for 6 days straight, 24 hours a day!! The print out showed I had worked/driven correctly.

How can I keep the print out to show VOSA etc that I had been with in the law if I hand it in after 28 days.

Do another print out.

Obvious that, should have worked it out for myself, never mind :blush:

The VOSA bod knows the Regs and will not expect you to still be in possession of the printout after more than 28 days. If you do produce a “spare” printout that is more than 28 days old, he might well ask why you still have it (as he knows it should have been handed in).

Send the TM on a CPC course :laughing: :laughing:

if you have had to do a printout to explain
some infraction or other you need
to keep them for 28 days and hand back before
42 days, do a duplicate if you want too