Price Prior Information

I try to give everyone a fair deal - always have done - whether or not they are forum members.

So this is just an advance warning that CE training fees are set to increase on Dec 1st. This will counteract the reduction that has been in place during the summer months.

But a word to the wise - anyone booking during November will benefit from the reduced price. This works so long as the deposit has been paid - even if you train during next year.

Fee increases due to running loaded vehicles ARE NOT in the pipeline. We are absorbing these additional costs in the belief that LGV training is costly enough! We need to work together and this is our side of it.

There are no changes to CAT C training rates and the reduced rate for the Starter Pack still stands.

I’m posting this in the hope that I can save one or two folks some of their hard earned.

Pete :laughing: :laughing:

Thanks for the heads up.

How much is the deposit please?

£150 deposit

Pete :laughing: :laughing:

Awesome, will be in touch when my credit card hits the doormat. :smiley:

Hi peter, Are you going to continue with manual gear box or are you change to automatics in 2014.

Certainly manual will be available. There is also a possibility of auto but I’m still researching the options.

Pete :laughing: :laughing:

I now estimate a typical C course will use an extra £20-£30 more in fuel now training laden.

I have consequently decided to freeze my prices at the moment and swallow the extra cost ourselves.

So not to break any forum rules I will gladly PM you my prices if requested.


Just a word to the wise for all trainers out there.
Coincidence or not i have this week had to replace a broken spring on my CF DAF :imp:
Now this may or may not have been on its way out, i’ll honestly never know. Examination of the spring doesn’t show any signs its been on it’s way out for a while.
Its a ten year old, well looked after ex Royal Mail 380. I’ve had it for almost 4 years, so its not carried anything heavier than cones and a spare wheel for that time.
This week i found half of the bottom leaf of the O/S front spring underneath. Best price i’ve found for a replacement is £250. Not including U bolts if new are needed or labour (we’ll see soon) :unamused:

Wear and tare on these vehicles is naturally going to increase so be ready. Clutches and tyres are the obvious next :cry:

elmet training:
I now estimate a typical C course will use an extra £20-£30 more in fuel now training laden.

I have consequently decided to freeze my prices at the moment and swallow the extra cost ourselves.


Just a word to the wise for all trainers out there.
Coincidence or not i have this week had to replace a broken spring on my CF DAF :imp:
Now this may or may not have been on its way out, i’ll honestly never know. Examination of the spring doesn’t show any signs its been on it’s way out for a while.
Its a ten year old, well looked after ex Royal Mail 380. I’ve had it for almost 4 years, so its not carried anything heavier than cones and a spare wheel for that time.
This week i found half of the bottom leaf of the O/S front spring underneath. Best price i’ve found for a replacement is £250. Not including U bolts if new are needed or labour (we’ll see soon) :unamused:

Wear and tare on these vehicles is naturally going to increase so be ready. Clutches and tyres are the obvious next :cry:

elmet training:

Had to replace a spring last year when unladen. My Atego is currently having a inter cooler fitted £450 plus 5 hours labour (known about it for ages but now laden needs doing)

Will monitor things though.


elmet training:

Just a word to the wise for all trainers out there.
Coincidence or not i have this week had to replace a broken spring on my CF DAF :imp:
Now this may or may not have been on its way out, i’ll honestly never know. Examination of the spring doesn’t show any signs its been on it’s way out for a while.
Its a ten year old, well looked after ex Royal Mail 380. I’ve had it for almost 4 years, so its not carried anything heavier than cones and a spare wheel for that time.
This week i found half of the bottom leaf of the O/S front spring underneath. Best price i’ve found for a replacement is £250. Not including U bolts if new are needed or labour (we’ll see soon) :unamused:

Wear and tare on these vehicles is naturally going to increase so be ready. Clutches and tyres are the obvious next :cry:

elmet training:

Had to replace a spring last year when unladen. My Atego is currently having a inter cooler fitted £450 plus 5 hours labour (known about it for ages but now laden needs doing)

Will monitor things though.


Because i’m not that clever i don’t honestly know if your reply is meant to wind me up or not.
I was simply stating a point of coincidence in relation to the addition of weight being added and the spring braking. Timing!!
Therefore your reply about repairs that have happened and repairs you are due to undertake don’t make sense to me within this thread.
Wear and tear of our trucks is naturally going to be tested to a higher degree and my spring braking so soon after the weight being added is either uncanny timing or just plain freaky.
We have examined the break checking for ageing to the crack as if to establish whether its been on its way for a while but have found nothing.
I’m certainly not in the priveliged position of having very new vehicles. My trucks have served me very well and i’ll continue to give 100% in keeping them on the road doing there job.
My price increases are based on the higher running costs in total not just MPG.

I was only stating passed and recent problems that I have encountered.
One of my springs went with no weight on, I’m having the inter cooler replaced because I need more power now with the extra weight ( Had sufficient power before weight went on but now I need that extra boost)

As I mentioned I will monitor costs and if I feel I need to increase my prices due to significant higher running costs I will do so.

I’m sorry if you took my comments the wrong way no offence intended



No problem Paul, I was simply puzzled by your first reply but i’m now understanding you.
Sorry for the defensive reply, I just couldn’t fathom it within the context of my view.

Hey we’ve all got the right to shoot from the hip now and again lol :smiley:


Paul T