Preston services

can any of yous lads/lassies please tell me the name of the services at preston :question: and directions to them thankyou :wink: i might have a chance to run down there on a saturday change trl and back to any help would be helpful :wink: :wink: :wink: cheers

As far as I know that isn’t any services at Preston, Forton to the north of Preston on the M6(between 32 & 33) is sometimes refered to as Lancaster. The only other services(Charnock Richard) are south of Preston between Jcn 27 & 28.

Both are near Preston and both about the same distance away from Preston.

So I think you may require more information, also if doing a changeover, which side of the motorway are you meeting, north or south.

workshy, i heard the name forton mentioned when talking to the lad that was telling me about it,as for the change over i don’t know but if poss please tell me both directions. as i will be heading back up north to glasgow and the other lad will i presume be heading back south.cheers mate. :wink:

Southbound is a mile after Jcn 33 M6, I don’t know if they will let you cross over the motorway via the service road at the services, but it would be worth finding out if you can. Because the next Jcn (32)southbound is about 10 miles away and then you have to take the M55 and come of at first exit (less than 0.5 of a mile) A6 Preston/Garstang to turn round and head north again,

I’m sure the royal mail used to do changeovers there (my memory might be playing tricks on me :unamused: )