I take it his number’s were up.
That’ll be constanant, vowel, constanant, R,I,P
He has provided some classic TV moments, like the time he was sent a tie with Countdown on it and the mike covered the ‘O’.
That’s right it spelt COUNTDWN.
I’ll get my coat
do do,do do, do do do doo.
I remember his days as a cub reporter on Yorkshire TV’s Calendar.
Another icon of my youth bites the dust.
Coming from N W Norfolk, Yorkshire TV was our local channel & thus Calendar was our local news program.
Yorkshire TV has always seemed to take news seriously & Richard Whiteley was without doubt a brilliant journalist & presenter on a channel that appreciated his ability.
You must have had the text joke the next day though…
Richard Whitley has died of pneumonia.
On the up side, he got extra points for having a nine letter word, and using all the vowels
God, and they reckon us country bumpkins are slow…