Present whereabouts

Can anyone shed any light on the present location of this please? An old ex-driver who knew the vehicle years ago would like the chance to see it again, it used to be seen about quite a lot a few years back, but seems to have fallen off the radar since.


A search on the DVLA website shows the date of liability (when it is / was due re-taxing to be November 1990)
Date of Liability 01 11 1990
Date of First Registration 02 03 1948
Year of Manufacture Not Available
Cylinder Capacity (cc) Not Available
CO2 Emissions Not Available
Fuel Type PETROL
Export Marker N
Vehicle Status Unlicensed
Vehicle Colour ORANGE
Vehicle Type Approval Not Available

Could always try
D B Cole Ltd.
17 Kent Square
Great Yarmouth
NR30 2EX

Regards Spud

That’s fantastic info, Hopefully this Scotstoun Classic is still alive & being very well cared for, Regards Larry.

Thanks for your efforts Spud. But no further forward I’m afraid. It’s changed hands twice since Coles owned it, in fact the person who’s asked me if I can trace it lives in Great Yarmouth and knows the Cole family. The Albion Register lost track of it when it was sold after auction at Peterborough in 1991 having failed to meet it’s reserve in the sale, haven’t heard of it since. A pity, since it’s a one-off special order with extra-long wheelbase to carry Cole’s lighthouse slip, or helter-skelter, and was good enough to win concours at Brighton in 1986. someone must know what’s happened to it!

Thanks for your efforts Spud. But no further forward I’m afraid. It’s changed hands twice since Coles owned it, in fact the person who’s asked me if I can trace it lives in Great Yarmouth and knows the Cole family. The Albion Register lost track of it when it was sold after auction at Peterborough in 1991 having failed to meet it’s reserve in the sale, haven’t heard of it since. A pity, since it’s a one-off special order with extra-long wheelbase to carry Cole’s lighthouse slip, or helter-skelter, and was good enough to win concours at Brighton in 1986. someone must know what’s happened to it!

It’s amazing that something that was obviously (from the photograph) to be in such good condition has not been taxed since 1990, if I’d bought it 1991 I would be showing it everywhere

Spud, I spoke to a couple of the Cole family on the 'phone today and they both said they saw this motor in the auction at Colchester eight or nine years ago. I think they regret not bidding for it at the time as they would now love to see it back in the family. They haven’t heard a word about it since but I said I will keep them informed if any more infomation comes to light. I’ve been invited to call in to their fairground for a coffee and a chat next time the wife and I go for a walk along the sea-front. I don’t think I’ll go on any of the rides though. Regards Haddy Gt. Yarmouth.

No rides, Haddy? Where’s your sense of adventure? Just imagine- your life being dependant on one rusty split pin!

Haddy may not be a bad judge. As it happens,my uncle was killed in a fairground accident, thrown from a car on a ride at Dreamland, Margate. It was big news at the time. Mind you it was 1928, so a bit before my time!


“Health and Safety” probably wasn’t heard of in those days Bernard. In the mid seventies I took my twin boys on the roller-coaster at Yarmouth’s Pleasure Beach and it broke down, guess where we were stuck, yes right at the very top and it seemed like ages before they got us down. The boys thought it was a great adventure but the poor wife, who was waiting at the bottom with our daughter, was in floods of tears. This picture shows the back side of the roller-coaster, it doesn’t look very high but when you are stuck at the top it is a long way down. That’s me with the monorail station on board waiting for the police to shut the sea-front and ■■■■■■ me to the waiting crane which had to set up on the road. A job which had to be done in the winter months when the park was closed.
Not the best of pictures though. Cheers Haddy.