Posting this is not allowed. I'd like to know why

See the link in my signature (just below this).

I thought about suing etc but it’d be too much hassle. Now I just want this story to be known. And also, I tried posting that story on this forum but it was removed. I can’t understand why.

see the link in my signature (just below this).

Is there perhaps a breach of contract between you and the FTA? From your side of the story it pretty much looks like they’ve admitted fault. That said, they’ve also offered to compensate you with a new exam; and I think a case in the small claims courts for loss of earnings will be tricky. You may be able to claim you were left financially worse off but I doubt you’d be able to prove you’d pass the exam and, therefore, be in a position to earn…

The post was removed as a complaint was received, that some elements of your story are disputed. We have no idea of who is right or wrong and no way of finding out. In line with the Defamation Act our only recourse is to remove the content until you provide us with your full contact details and allow us to pass them onto the complainant- as yet we haven’t received them from you… Publishing your side of the story on another web platform , not on here , Like you have done means that we have not published, and therefore are not liable… A far more sensible way of going about things without dragging us into your argument :slight_smile:

FTA knows very well who I am. Disputing parts of my story was just another ruse on their part to get the story removed. I dealt with them for more than a month after their screw up (and 1.5 months before). I provided my email address to the moderator, which FTA has on file along with all my other personal information. I haven’t heard from FTA about any disputed elements in my story and I’m willing to provide evidence.

To FTA: if you are still disputing any elements of my story, post the disputed elements here and I’ll respond.