Pooing yourself story

Hi does anyone remember the story a member on here posted about the guy pooing in a toilet while the guy in the next cubicle was talking to his wife on the phone.it had me in knots and looking for the link.cheers

I cannot help with your ■■■ fettish, I am sorry.

If I remember correctly, the topic was called ‘In Cab ■■■■■■■’.

If I remember correctly, the topic was called ‘In Cab ■■■■■■■’.

Remembering details like that is rather disturbing :open_mouth:


If I remember correctly, the topic was called ‘In Cab ■■■■■■■’.

Remembering details like that is rather disturbing :open_mouth:

It was one of the funniest topics posted on here. :laughing:


That’s the story

Had to ask wife to read this tale to me as i was in tears,

and she ended up the same, never seen her laugh so much :laughing:



If I remember correctly, the topic was called ‘In Cab ■■■■■■■’.

Remembering details like that is rather disturbing :open_mouth:

It was one of the funniest topics posted on here. :laughing:


That’s the story

Cheers for that