Pollock scotrans and m r s distribution

does any one have any information about any of these companys. eg wat they are like to work for etc


Actually it is short for “morning roll service” as it started out as a roll delivery business many moons ago.

Would not work for them myself, although I have in the past. Shiney motor if thats what your after.

Only know about Bathgate depot.

Mate did a fair bit of agency work for MRS. Extremely long hours, away from home most of the week and he swears that sometimes on the waste paper/cardboard, he was overloaded. If you need to be home early for something, they’ll give you the old “Yeah no problem” then arrange a run that takes you to the other end of the country.

OTOH, decent kit and they gave out excellent directions and maps for each drop.

I’ve worked for both,

Pollocks Big shiny motors, little Dull pay packets and if your face doesn’t fit forget it you’ll be given all the crappy jobs.
Also they start sunday 9:00am and if your back Friday early they make you work in the yard till 5:00pm. You’ll know Scot pollocks favourite drivers they get all the new magnums and the like, Scott thinks he’s something in Edinburgh he once got barred from a pub for taking his willy out and peeing against the bar

MRS yes the Muppet Road Show. People think they’ve got decent motors but you’ll find it’s the basic model, paid by this stupid pay scheme by mileage not your actuall mileage but the mileage worked out on a computer. They have idiots in the transport office doing things like 1 motor tipping somewhere and then another motor comes in to get a load and they send you somewhere else for a load, probably somewhere that the other motor passed.

Both typical transport firms, They don’t give a fig about the people who do the work that actually makes them their money.