Polish polish polish,, deery deery me

well they have done it again, anyone see the news tonights, 6 polish folk went for a bike ride on the M62, thought the hard shoulder was a cycle lane, 1 even went to cross over the three lanes while the others had there picture taken sitting at the side of the crash barrier with there new shinny bycles.

That was in Monday Nights Echo.

I was in a hotel over the weekend, barman was Polish, could hardly speak any english and understanding what you said was impossible, he had to go an get the manager. All I aksed for was Black Coffee and a bottle of water!

It felt as I were the one in Poland not the other way round. I mean fair play, hes got on his bike in search of a better life but you have to be able to communicate well in the chosen Country of residence if you are to get on and make a living.

Its a shame. There is a Hotel bar near me which I have stopped using. The Poles there have caught on that English never complain .So now the service is sloppier & sloppier & the staff are downright surly to the customers. When they first arrived they were bright-eyed & bushy tailed & nothing was too much trouble. Now its take it or leave it. Needless to say I haven’t been in since the Spring.
In fairness;This hotel has been taken over by a chain & wages & conditions have dropped dramatically for the staff.

Its a shame. There is a Hotel bar near me which I have stopped using. The Poles there have caught on that English never complain .So now the service is sloppier & sloppier & the staff are downright surly to the customers. When they first arrived they were bright-eyed & bushy tailed & nothing was too much trouble. Now its take it or leave it. Needless to say I haven’t been in since the Spring.

Sounds like they have intergrated into English working style very well then Harry.


You’re right there! When they first arrived it was ." Hello Sir! ". It quickly became the glassy stare … :laughing:
There was one Englishman working in the bar & he was the managers younger brother. He told me that he had a degree in zoology but couldn’t get a job. He told me that he had written to every zoo in the country & never had a reply. I told him that on his day off to get on his bike ( He didn’t have a car ) & present himself in person to the boss of the local zoo. I never saw him again ,I suppose he is now serving pints of lager to the elephants :laughing:

Its a shame. There is a Hotel bar near me which I have stopped using. The Poles there have caught on that English never complain .So now the service is sloppier & sloppier & the staff are downright surly to the customers. When they first arrived they were bright-eyed & bushy tailed & nothing was too much trouble.

Mirrors exactly my own experiences with them.
Very surly,bordering on the hostile,they seem very miserable and dense to me.
Driving standards in the lorry/bus industry are dropping as quickly as the hourly rate, thanks to them.
One of the miserable bints,writing on a newspaper forum,was very dismissive about Brits and their way of life,didn’t stop her moving here though!

Mirrors exactly my own experiences with them.
Very surly,bordering on the hostile,they seem very miserable and dense to me.

They really, really have intergrated well then, how do they do it.


Mirrors exactly my own experiences with them.
Very surly,bordering on the hostile,they seem very miserable and dense to me.

They really, really have intergrated well then, how do they do it.

They imitate the couldn’t care less attitude that allowed so many of them here in such a short time?


Mirrors exactly my own experiences with them.
Very surly,bordering on the hostile,they seem very miserable and dense to me.

They really, really have intergrated well then, how do they do it.

Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit.

more poles than BT :exclamation: :laughing: