
Friend of mine got nicked the other night trying to get to asda grangemouth,
the normal slip road was closed, so she followed along with some other artics to the next junction where they followed diversion signs,
the diversion then took them into a 7.5 ton weight limit… within this limit there were three police cars and local errr constables stopping trucks and handing out £30 fixed penalties… BUT TURNING A BLIND EYE TO THE ASDA VEHICLES GOING THE SAME ROUTE…
Victimisation or what ■■?
Asda is the other side of the limit, not within it …

photograph or video it with the camera phone and appeal against the fpn with the evidence of selective ticketing

Do a dump in a Jiffy bag and post it to them.

Write or email to the local paper,they will run a story on it,and make them repay back the fines.

Most police are total scum.

Think i would deff be apealing that , think i know the road your talking about as i go there on a tue to a cash n carry . and when i started going there i was concerned about going there as both ends have the 7.5t weight limit.
i was told as long as i was going to a delivery there it was legal as its access only .

so surely if they are sending you down there on a diversion route thats your autherisation■■?

Volunteers who stood all day manning a weight limit bridge over the town in Bradford on Avon made 150 mistakes in truck spotting,they give the info to Trading Standards who then pass the number plates on to the DVLA.
The training was to count how many axles,more than two,then get a £1000 fine for a 18 ton limit.

I would catch them out then as i have a three axle atego that has a mgw of 18tonne!

There are a few 7.5 limits in falkirk/grangemouth and i cant think of a single one which would be used as a slip road diversion towards the dc

Friend of mine got nicked the other night trying to get to asda grangemouth,
the normal slip road was closed, so she followed along with some other artics to the next junction where they followed diversion signs,
the diversion then took them into a 7.5 ton weight limit… within this limit there were three police cars and local errr constables stopping trucks and handing out £30 fixed penalties… BUT TURNING A BLIND EYE TO THE ASDA VEHICLES GOING THE SAME ROUTE…
Victimisation or what ■■?
Asda is the other side of the limit, not within it …

Grangemouths such a stupid place.An oil refinery, a port and numerous industry`s yet the place is surrounded by weight limits because people dont like noisy trucks disturbing their beauty sleep. If the diversion route was because the slip road to the old town was closed ( where the new Asda dc is being built ) then the diversion would be shown for the next junction to the traffic light and turn left towards arnold clark and the merc garage. that route was changed to a 7.5 ton weight limit a while ago because residents were complaining about the amount of trucks. This strech of road now has police regularly camped on it 7 days a week as the limit is in force between 6pm and 8am mon-fri and all weekend.
Trucks should have been advised to continue to the next sliproad, up the roundabout and back down and folloe the road along past the Falkirk stadium and into Asda but i suppose that would be too much hard work for Falkirk council.
Our office had a letter from the local police informing us of people complaining about the noise of trucks driving down the road between the BP plant and the dock entrance. Imagine buying a house next to an Oil refinery and a port complex and wondering why theres noisy trucks driving down the road!!!.

Im under the impression that in the event of a diversion then a weight limit becomes null and void.
I was once sent on a diversion due to an accident closing the road, I pulled over and pointed out to a Traffic plod that the diversion took me through a 7.5 tonne weight limit. I was told its ok the limit is not enforced during a diversion!

She should have taken photo’s and got any evidence she could and fought it, sounds like the cops were on the take.

Im under the impression that in the event of a diversion then a weight limit becomes null and void.
I was once sent on a diversion due to an accident closing the road, I pulled over and pointed out to a Traffic plod that the diversion took me through a 7.5 tonne weight limit. I was told its ok the limit is not enforced during a diversion!

I have always thought this.

If its a pre-planned sign posted diversion then it is the responsibility of those organising it to make sure the diversion is suitable for all traffic, including suspending any weight limits if necessary.

It gets tricky if its an unplanned road closure due to an accident where you are left to your own devices to find a diversion. In those circumstances I would expect the police to be sympathetic if I was to drive through a petty ‘NIMBY’ weight limit.

Most police are total scum.

+1, total pricks in my eyes…!

Toddy, I reckon that’s the way she went judging by her explanation to me the other day.

and they wonder why so many people have a problem with authority.
useless, jumped up, scum. they’re worse than the drug addicts, rapists, and muggers.

£10 says they drove along the restriction after hours or went the short cut past Malcolms rail yard to cut across.

For an extra couple of minutes your safer going upto the fire station and back down the other side.

It’s a limit because you can get one truck through, not two at ANY point and the road is about a mile long.