Police use HGV to film drivers


Which exemption or derogation is used to exempt the police from the drivers hours regulations ?

the usuall one. “we are the police, we can do what we want.”

I know what you mean but I can’t see any reason why they should be exempt on that type of work.

German Shepherds in the back.


Which exemption or derogation is used to exempt the police from the drivers hours regulations ?


Vehicles owned or hired without a driver by the Armed Forces, civil defence services, fire services and forces responsible for maintaining public order, when the carriage is undertaken as a consequence of the tasks assigned to these services and is under their control.

Correct me if I’m wrong but I thought the public order act only covered criminal offences.

Have I got this wrong or is using a mobile whilst driving now a criminal offence :open_mouth:

I’ve no idea.
It would seem reasonable that the police have an exemption as the fire service do IMO

i’m betting that something in here says something about this issue - ROAD TRAFFIC ACT

I’ve no idea.
It would seem reasonable that the police have an exemption as the fire service do IMO

Sorry but I can’t really see the comparison between the fire service and the police going after motorists using mobiles whilst driving :confused:

Not that I’m condoning the use of mobiles whilst driving, just can’t see any good reason why the police in that situation should not have to comply at least with the break requirements that we have to comply with.

Police do not have to wear seat belts either … it’s there choice .

I often thought it would be a good idea, considering the amount of crap driving we have to put up with, driving along the motorway edgit in a Audi or BMW doing 45mph with a phone glued to his ear, or constantly getting cut up or people doing dumb things to get past us.

Not all audi drivers are tools, i have one and i aint :slight_smile: bmw drivers on the other hand :slight_smile:

But i do think this is a good tactic if like rog said used for all types of vehicles and not just the same old Lorry drivers


I’ve no idea.
It would seem reasonable that the police have an exemption as the fire service do IMO

Sorry but I can’t really see the comparison between the fire service and the police going after motorists using mobiles whilst driving :confused:

Not that I’m condoning the use of mobiles whilst driving, just can’t see any good reason why the police in that situation should not have to comply at least with the break requirements that we have to comply with.

I am sure that plod would comply with breaks, if you watch the Bill, they are always in the canteen. But seriously they are not going to set off from Northampton and drive to Aberdeen are they? They will have a 15 minute coffee break, they will then park for 30 minutes in a services like we do. and after 9 hours they will go home.

A double manned 7.5 tonner or a rigid overtaking a driver with a TV, laptop, mobile phone or a pie wouldn’t get a second thought from most people. The same way as the BMW rep who decides it is quite normal behavior to overtake at the very last moment, then cut across 3 lanes of traffic and over the ghost island markings

A bit more on this -
onlinenews.warwickshire.police.u … vers/11350

A bit more on this -
onlinenews.warwickshire.police.u … vers/11350

PC Nairn - who owned his own haulage company before becoming a police officer - is quick to point out that the crackdown isn’t about targeting the industry.

The Scania R series is the company’s top of the range vehicle and the one loaned to the Group is currently the only one Britain’s roads.

You are invited to send a photographer / correspondent to see the vehicle liveried as a police vehicle - complete with blue lights - at Strensham Services, M5 north bound on Monday 19 October at 10am

So there we go then, just hope the limiter is working and there are no fuses missing :stuck_out_tongue:

Poacher turned Gamekeeper ■■?

i was coming through the roadworks by the m11 friday morning and was overtaken by a white unmarked transit van…with a roofrack…on each corner was a small camera…in front of the passenger was a screen…with a 4 split…each camera veiw .was this a police vehicle■■?

Might have been the DVLA car tax ANPR vehicle, although the police use similar vehicles.

Not targeting the industry? Bollox!!


i’ve got another plan.

take a note of his reg, then phone in and tell them he has a flat tyre. :laughing:

i’ve got another plan.

take a note of his reg, then phone in and tell them he has a flat tyre. :laughing:

Wouldn’t be a good idea…they will charge you with “wasting police time”

wonder if it will get pulled in by the vosa :question: :question:


I’ll bet they have a limiter exemption as well

so have i.

ok, not exactly a legal exemption, more of an illegal one. but lifes too short for little things like, law, order, rules, and regs. :laughing:

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

PC Nairn - who owned his own haulage company before becoming a police officer - is quick to point out that the crackdown isn’t about targeting the industry.

I wonder if that is the same Angus Nairn ,that used to run a white, Scanny with Blue and yellow stripes into the paper mill at Irvine in the early 90,s.

That might be the same man who could ALWAYS do one more load than the rest of us :unamused: .

Could probably be the guy that went burst and became TM for Brick Transport .

Who could load in the Galloway forest every day , go to Shotton paper mill and back in a day :unamused: WHEN NO ONE ELSE COULD :open_mouth:

Good man for the job :question:

Just another money making racket " it’s always hit the driver" i’m sure glad i’m out of it, get your door windows blacked out that should keep them out of your shed.
thanks harry long retired.