Police Sting Herefordshire (40mph +)

Unmarked cars were following trucks on the A4172/A417 and A438 this morning, its in the area of Ledbury coming off the A49 N & Southbound and J2 off the M5.The Trumpet crossroads West of Ledbury was the pulling area.

Several drivers have been fined for going over the 40mph speed limit.

Thanks for the heads up, I generally stick it on cruise at 42 anyway, but occasionally go over that on big open A roads.

I saw one police officer with a foreign driver raising four fingers, lol, I just sat there, smiling, is that fore-play or mulitples of ten :grimacing:

Strange how the public are unaware of truck speed limits…If you do 56 mph in a 40 mph limit for trucks you will never see a car or cars behind you flashing their lights at you to slow down on a single carriagway road.As you speed up so do they.
40mph is too slow for a modern truck that can brake well and fast.
The limit causes frustrated and impatient driving leading to accidents.
At 3 am on an empty road it is flat out for me.

After reloading at Ledbury Brewery, I am lucky if I can manage to get above 20mph…

Blimey, have they nowt better to do?

It could be the local plod are thinking of the children, but more likely they are thinking of July’s budget.

there trying to raise money for there xmas party :laughing: :laughing:

Anybody explained to them how doing 40 constantly ends up with queues of following frustrated drivers wholly incapable of overtaking doing so, with predictable results.

Its The Law…looks good in 3" high letters on a marble headstone.

Like shooting fish in a barrel its harder to find a lorry driver that does 40 than doesn’t. Better hope other forces don’t get wise to this money spinner :confused:

Ho, hum - the usual old twaddle about police getting money from speeding tickets etc. They don’t. Fines and fixed penalties go to Central Government coffers, not to the police. Oh - and for completeness, prosecutions for speeding etc don’t have any impact on police “detection rates” or indeed any other recorded crime statistics (as Speeding is not recorded as a crime - even though it is dealt with in the Criminal courts) :wink:

coppers just doing there part in making sure there is enough money in the pot too pay for the mp’s pay rise coming soon

Most drivers on here are paid by the hour why would you speed ? Stick to the silly limit and count the money. Yes we all know the limit should be 50mph but we’re stuck with 40. With in cab tracking, VOSA and coppers why risk fines, points and losing your job ?

Ho, hum - the usual old twaddle about police getting money from speeding tickets etc. They don’t. Fines and fixed penalties go to Central Government coffers, not to the police. Oh - and for completeness, prosecutions for speeding etc don’t have any impact on police “detection rates” or indeed any other recorded crime statistics (as Speeding is not recorded as a crime - even though it is dealt with in the Criminal courts) :wink:

Still in the Budget, irrespective of where the money ends up

What sort of lorry driver stops for an unmarked car?
I never have and never will.

When I drive those roads, there’s always loads of donkey boxes and old people who ensure lorry drivers wont get fined.