Police Liaison - Derek Bailey

The News Forum during the last few days has reported the trial and conviction for Manslaughter of a person (for want of a better word) responsible for the fire which resulted in the death of a fellow driver, Derek Bailey.

Those of you who were on the forums last Summer will remember that I made contact with John, an Officer in the Devon and Cornwall Constabulary, who had been appointed Family Liaison Officer in respect of this matter. At the time many members expressed their condolences and these were passed on to the family.

Tonight, John has kindly sent me an email informing me of the result of the Trial. (Obviously, he doesn’t follow the forums) :slight_smile:

I have replied with a request that he pass on to the family, the best wishes of our members and that, hopefully, we will be able to place a floral tribute on the anniversary of this tragedy.

If necessary, I’ll pay. :open_mouth:

It was very kind of John to remember our interest in the matter and ensure that we were informed of the result.

Yes I remember the tragedy happening. Im also glad that we have been kept updated. i think it takes a post like this to remind us of these things as I for one had totally forgot!!



Also puts thing back into perspective.

yes it does…

Thanks for keeping us informed and for passing on the best wishes to his family, and im sure that quite a few of us would chip in for the flowers if you can arange it.

I’ll second abs, thanx for that krankee…

Yeah, I totally agree that it does make you think, and puts life into a different light, and make me for one, aware how precious life is…

Just let me know the address to send my donation Ken… :wink:

Just let me know the address to send my donation Ken…

Me too.


Whoa, thanks for the offer Guys (and Gal) - Please don’t take the thread Off Topic.

The subject of donations has been raised before. Give me a few days to run something past Rikki.

Just a couple of days after the incident, I placed some flowers at the site of this dreadful incident, and will be more than proud to do the same again.
I know some of the people who were involved in the reporting of the fire, and they were devastated when they heard that someone had died.

Derek, may you rest in peace, and may your family and friends find strength in the response from fellow drivers.

I read it in the CM, Its hard to keep on an even keel when stuff like this happens, lynching gets easy to understand. Terrible and very very sad all round. My sympathies to all the family involved.


For those of you that have been following the story of this terrible tragedy, there is now a report in the News Forum that the 38 year old offender has been sentenced to 10 years imprisonment for Manslaughter.

It’s not a result that I’d want to exactly celebrate, but it is gratifying to learn that the offender has received a significant sentence.

!0 years seems so little for taking a life…

But what make my blood boil, is, How many of those years will he actually serve??.. How ever invented that saying, ‘Good Behavior’…

… I’ll say no more…

:imp: :imp:
Also on the Transport News forum: A Spanish trucker gets 17 years for smuggling drugs, it being accepted that he was just a courier.
Whereas this serial arsonist gets just 10 years for killing a guy asleep in his cab. :open_mouth:
Thats the British judicial system for you, nice to see they’ve got their priorities right eh…
You can imagine what the judge was thinking before he decided on 10 years - ‘Well the deceased was only a lorry driver after all - he wasn’t a copper or anyone important’

Even more pain for the family concerned to endure… :imp: :imp:

Rather than flowers & someone organising it, how about a local charity each individual can foward a cheque to.

It,s not hard to belive that the worlds gone mad,crime for any sort of monetary gain,apart from some thiving little toe rags seems to carry more time from the court,17 years for importing cannabis 10 years for a life? 30years for robbing a train ,child killer and abuser less than total life ,worlds gone mad,in my opinion.

It,s not hard to belive that the worlds gone mad,crime for any sort of monetary gain,apart from some thiving little toe rags seems to carry more time from the court,17 years for importing cannabis 10 years for a life? 30years for robbing a train ,child killer and abuser less than total life ,worlds gone mad,in my opinion.

Youre damned right there Froggy, the world (well the bit of it we see) is as barmy as a bog seat, there aint any doubt.


my heart goes out to the family and friends of derek and if you do arrange to provide a wreath then just let me know where to send the cheque.