Point of confusion

Hi, is it ok after driving 2 hours to take a 45 min break 30 mins of that covering you for the wtd and then drive for a further 2 hours and carry over the 15mins to later add to a 30 mins break covering you for the 45 mins drivers regs break. :confused:
Many thanks…

A break is a break is a break. Whether it’s taken for WTD reasons or Tacho reasons it’s still a break.

A 45 minute break re-sets your driving time, whatever reason you take it for.
If you’ve only done 2 hours driving, you’ll need another 45 minute break if you want to use all of your 9 hours driving, using breaks the way you suggest.
You only need a 15 minute break to keep within the WTD 6 hour rule.
So take a 15 minute WTD break, then a 30 minute tacho break later. Both breaks count for both reasons, so you’ve still had 45 minutes on break which resets your driving time and at the same time satisfies WTD.

If you split up your break, it must be split into 15 minutes then 30 minutes.
You can take any amount of time more than 15 minutes but less than 45 for the first part of your break, the second part still has to be 30 minutes or more.

Thanks Simon. I am no longer confused :slight_smile: hmmmmmm I should have taken 2x30 mins or 15 and then 30 and not 45 then 30 in this case to cover my 9hrs driving plus wtd…Thanks once again. :blush: