POA question again,
If l start work at 07.00 l should have a 15 min break by 13.00 my question is if l have 3hrs POA at 10.00 would that move my rest limit to 16.00
or not.

stu bag:
POA question again,
If l start work at 07.00 l should have a 15 min break by 13.00 my question is if l have 3hrs POA at 10.00 would that move my rest limit to 16.00
or not.

Yes, POA does not count as working time so if you start at 07:00 and book 3 hours POA at 10:00 you would need to start a 15 minute rest period no later than 16:00.

But why would you want to, why not interrupt the POA and have a break, this would be especially helpful if you need to reset the driving time, on the other hand of course if you don’t want to reset the driving time POA is the way to go :wink:

Thanks Tachograph
It was just a disagreement a couple of us had at work today while hanging around for our trailers !
I had plenty of driving time but wtd was running out ?


I see … well in that case be sure to tell them they were wrong and you was right :smiley: :wink:

May seem a little pedantic but its a 15 min break not rest - the two are legally different

hey rog, ive never used poa, but am gonna go on containers and been told a lot of waiting around, say iv had a 30min rest with plenty of drive time left, will poa reset the drive time or not thankyou

hey rog, ive never used poa, but am gonna go on containers and been told a lot of waiting around, say iv had a 30min rest with plenty of drive time left, will poa reset the drive time or not thankyou

It will reset it on the tacho but not as far as the regulations go, only break, or daily/weekly rest, will reset the 4.5 hour counter.

You’re better off leaving the tachograph on break while the container is being unloaded, as long as you’re not helping obviously.

As Coffeeholic said POA will wrongly reset the driving time on the tachograph, apart from that if you’re waiting for three hours or more with the tachograph on break you can count it as a split daily rest, that may sometimes be the difference between getting home or not.

thanks a lot fellas