POA To Daily Rest

I have just been explaining driving hours to someone I work with in the dockyard that does driving for the navy with his unit (don’t use tacho’s as it is used in support of the armed forces and uses navy trucks) and he has now got what I believe to be quite a good understanding of them but he asked a question that I didn’t have a clue about.

The question was about POA.

Say for instance you are reaching the 12th hour of your shift and have been told that it will be about 2 hours before you are tipped. You’re hoping to get tipped in the next 3 hours due to having to take your 9 hours reduced rest before you start the following day.You stick it on to POA but then something happens at the place you are tipping and they say it will be another 3 hours so you ask them if you can take your daily rest in their yard, and they are happy with this. You put your tacho on to daily rest but want to get home sharpish the following day. Would you be able to count the POA as part of your 9 hours reduced daily rest (i.e. have 7 hours rest and count the other two hours you were on POA)?

I’m guessing you can’t but I may be wrong!

Any thoughts on this?

I am guessing that your daily rest starts from the time you physically put it onto rest.

However in the real world where I live, why would you have wasted 2 hours of rest time by using POA when you dont need to.

I believe the 2nd man can use POA as rest time for a 45 but as I rarely double man, I am not 100% sure

Would you be able to count the POA as part of your 9 hours reduced daily rest (i.e. have 7 hours rest and count the other two hours you were on POA)?

I’m guessing you can’t but I may be wrong!

You guessed right :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
your record is ‘What is shown on the tacho’ and in the case you describe that would be a 7 hour break.
If a person gets paid for breaks then that is always better to be used than POA, IMO

As already said, POA doesn’t count towards daily rest.