POA query

I’m very rusty regarding POA as have been working part time up.until now.
If for example I start my shift are 08.30 and work until 08.45. I then have 2 hours poa and then drive for 2 hours and work 1.75 hours.
Do I need to have a half hour break after 6 hours other can I deduct my 2 hours poa so won’t need a break for a further 2 hours?
Thank you in advance.

No, POA stops the click for wtd - you’ve only worked for 4 hours, so you can do another couple before needing a 15 minute break

on this subject. does poa push back the 15 hour cap on a day

No, no matter how much poa you do, you still have to complete a 9/11 hour rest within 24 hours of starting.

POA stops the clock for working time so you can delay your break by however long your POA has been.

Regardless of what the tacho unit tells you POA does NOT count as any part of a driving time break. It will reset your driving time though if in have more than 45 minutes of continuous POA. Or at least 15 mins continuous plus at least 30 mins continuous.

POA does NOT push the 15 or 13 hour limit on your day back. If you start work at 0500, work until 0600 and then go on POA for 13 hours until 1900, you can still only work until 2000 before going on your daily rest.

One other thing that POA does do to help you out is that it brings down your average weekly working time which can be no more than 48 hours, so it’s good to stick it on POA wherever you can because even if it’s only 5 mins here and there and you might think it’s not worth it for that, over the whole week all those 5 and 10 mins here and there might up to an hour or 2 hours or 3 hours, and that can bring your average down.

on this subject. does poa push back the 15 hour cap on a day

The 13 and 15 hour maximum spread-over from the start of the shift to the end of the shift is governed by the requirement to have a daily rest period completed within 24 hours from the start of the shift, POA cannot alter that.