Poa can be counted as a break?

i mean for example i was driving for 3 hours and 50 minutes, after that i got told to wait for an hour so i switched to poa, then i was being loaded so my question is does that poa count as a break and could i drive for another 4 hours and 30 minutes after that?

Are you asking a question or stating a fact.

The answer is no, you cant drive for another 4.5 hours as that would mean you had driven for 8h 20m without a break.

Why did you use POA?

No - POA is not break. You could drive for another 40 mins to take you up to 4.5 hours. However, depending on the circumstances you may be able to use break instead of POA - if you are not required to do any other work it could be a break. The details of what exactly counts as break are subject to much discussion and I’m sure others will give you more details than me :wink:

I think of P.O.A as a kind of stop watch EG; start at 18:00 1 hours P.O.A allows me to work up until 01:00.

Other work or P.O.A cannot be counted as break click this link to view a simple summary of the rules. gov.uk/government/uploads/s … orkers.pdf

Also did anyone notice bullet point No4 in the “what are the limits section”

POA is just a waste of effort.

I gotta use POA if I’m not on break, we get a weekly bonus and break time length makes us part of the criteria for the bonus. In my last job I used to put on break instead of POA so I see it from both sides.

so what that mean? :confused:
Can a driver record a break during a period of availability?

It is important to remember that, although a period of availability is generally for waiting time, where the period of waiting is known, there is nothing to stop a driver taking a break during some, or all, of that period of availability, if the driver is able to meet the criteria that the time is being used “exclusively for recuperation”.

It is complex but, in conclusion, as a simple guideline, a driver needs to consider the following when waiting and not undertaking other work – is the duration of the wait known? If not, then the “other work” mode should be used; if yes, then this can be recorded as PoA. If the time may be recorded as PoA and the driver is able to use some or all of that time exclusively for recuperation, the driver may then record this as a break period.

i mean for example i was driving for 3 hours and 50 minutes, after that i got told to wait for an hour so i switched to POA, then i was being loaded so my question is does that poa count as a break and could i drive for another 4 hours and 30 minutes after that?

From a personal standpoint, if I’m told to wait for an hour it would be on break for 45 minutes ish of that hour, especially after driving for almost 4 hours as the last thing I wasn’t is to have to pull over for a break after only 40 minutes driving from the loading point like some obedient child following the rules to the letter.

My choice of break in this example would be to suit me and if I felt I was doing my company a favour as well in doing this (which I think I would be) then later in the day I would have another break (usually when the works done) to compensate myself for the break I had earlier that although may not have been used for ‘ER’ was near enough for me to make the rest of my day a little more relaxed.

Course I might choose to stick it on POA when taking my final break of the day so I don’t look too bad as I might be catching up with paperwork before my final run in to base or park up spot.

I do feel personally POA is a PITA but maybe thats just me.


How many more times do stupid drivers need to be told…POA is period of availability NOT a break !

A Break is a break and NOTHING else !!!

Lord give me strength. :neutral_face:

+1 ^^^What She Said^^^
Although I sugar coated it a bit :slight_smile:

TTX boy:

How many more times do stupid drivers need to be told…POA is period of availability NOT a break !

A Break is a break and NOTHING else !!!

Lord give me strength. :neutral_face:

But if I’m parked up waiting for the job to start and I’m scratching my nuts watching TV having a smoke and a pancake then it’s POA or break. POA is a total ball ache as should be removed as an option

TTX boy:

How many more times do stupid drivers need to be told…POA is period of availability NOT a break !

A Break is a break and NOTHING else !!!

Lord give me strength. :neutral_face:

easy tiger, it’s his first post!!

a break can be something else - it can turn into rest :wink: :laughing: :laughing:

The only time the mode of POA can be used as a break is when double-manning & the non-driving crew member is allowed to take his break in a moving vehicle. The digital tacho. will only allow the POA mode for driver 2 whilst moving. The 1st 45 mins. of this POA will be regarded as a break, providing driver 2 isn’t carrying out duties- if this is the case it’s other work - which should be recorded as such on a printout.

If single-manning & taking a break from driving - for it to be classed as a break it should be uninterrupted minimum 15 mins. and the digital tacho mode should show the BED symbol.

The only time the mode of POA can be used as a break is when double-manning & the non-driving crew member is allowed to take his break in a moving vehicle. The digital tacho. will only allow the POA mode for driver 2 whilst moving. The 1st 45 mins. of this POA will be regarded as a break, providing driver 2 isn’t carrying out duties- if this is the case it’s other work - which should be recorded as such on a printout.

If single-manning & taking a break from driving - for it to be classed as a break it should be uninterrupted minimum 15 mins. and the digital tacho mode should show the BED symbol.

couldn’t you just select other work on the second slot?

TTX boy:

How many more times do stupid drivers need to be told…POA is period of availability NOT a break !

A Break is a break and NOTHING else !!!

Lord give me strength. :neutral_face:

Can we have a daily POA question, I think TTX boy will explode, could be quite humorous :laughing:

I don’t know why people bother with all this POA crap. Reading posts on here shows it’s more hassle than it’s worth.
If you are not actually working then just stick it on break. It don’t count as duty time and serves the same purpose as POA.
I never use POA whatsoever and have never had a problem.


The only time the mode of POA can be used as a break is when double-manning & the non-driving crew member is allowed to take his break in a moving vehicle. The digital tacho. will only allow the POA mode for driver 2 whilst moving. The 1st 45 mins. of this POA will be regarded as a break, providing driver 2 isn’t carrying out duties- if this is the case it’s other work - which should be recorded as such on a printout.

If single-manning & taking a break from driving - for it to be classed as a break it should be uninterrupted minimum 15 mins. and the digital tacho mode should show the BED symbol.

couldn’t you just select other work on the second slot?

Only when stationary, as soon as vehicle moves…mode for driver 2 defaults to POA. The other work whilst moving could be, for instance navigating or phoning ahead to customer (done by driver 2 of course).

So when I’m a 2 man crew my card in slot 2 then swap over it says I’ve had 45mins break on tacho. Surely that counts if I been asleep etc? Confused.

I think the ops confusion probably came from sticking it on poa for that long and it reset his driving hours maybe?.

POA does have a use as it can be used to reduce you overall working/duty time, if you work long days, provided it is taken correctly. By using it intelligently you can help control you weekly and average weekly working hours to keep within the RTWTR.