Please post all anti-Polish posts here

And leave other threads alone.

That way there will be proper discussion elsewhere.

I can even promise that I will be looking here from time to time (let’s tell it will be once per month) and adding comments such as “o my god, how smart you are” “I would never able to write so wise things” and “I am sorry for that I am exists, It would be better for me and the universe, if I would never born” if that helps you to enlarge your self-estime or ■■■■■.

Thank you for your cooperation.

:edited: - corrected anti-polish to anti-Polish.

I HATE mr sheen!

He said Polish…not polish! :open_mouth: Oh!!

I hate Pledge!!! :angry: :angry: :angry:

Glade gives me the hump, i wish I could send it back to Tescos

Ory’s, dont give them the satisfaction.

Let them make idiots of themselves on open forums.

i hate kiwi

What happened to orys :question:

It doesnt matter if you are Polish, Latvian, S.african, or even english…whatever your nationality we all have to …

Go to the toilet

Anything else doesn’t matter

If Aliens landed from outer space someone would come on here saying they are taking our jobs and women send em home :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

not anti polish just thought this was of interest…

i hate kiwi

why do you hate me?? :blush: :blush: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

BBC NEWS | Europe | Poles head home as UK dream fades

not anti polish just thought this was of interest…

:unamused: Terrible to read,theyre only human after all

nowt personal mate, i hate cherry blossom as well :laughing:

Going to have to let you down Orys, sorry, but im being abusive to some South American arse hole who let a dog starve to death in the name of art.

But you are on my list and I will get back to you when ive the time.


Cillit Bang gets on my nerves.

Cillit Bang gets on my nerves.

Not if you do it right !!! Both of you can enjoy it !!

You will have to send me the instructions! :laughing:

Ive got one thing and only one thing to say to you Orys. ZYWIEC. :smiley:

just ignore them mate,i do and when they start giving me some stick about being a "polish driver taking our work! its then i actually tell em i was born and bred in England even tho my name ends in SKI

bowserman wrote:
Cillit Bang gets on my nerves.

Not if you do it right !!! Both of you can enjoy it !!

So funny lol
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Gets somewhat messy also lol