Please explain, driving with a hiviz on

To be honest I don’t get it, well ok for multi drop short distance, but for long distance, what is the point, they even wear it in the café and Msa, look at me with my hiviz on, it is sad, every truck driver seems to wear their silly do not knock me down bib, even the EE drivers are doing it now.
Do they wear it at home for a night of passion with the old dear, I bet it is a real turn on, glow in the dark health and safety nonsense and bullo5cks.

i,m forever getting bollocked for not wearing them , we are supposed to wear orange ones now which are even worse for looking like a plank

I’ve seen people shopping in Tesco’s wearing a Hi-Viz but I get upset about it.

edit: That should have read “I’ve seen people shopping in Tesco’s wearing a Hi-Viz but I don’t get upset about it” :slight_smile:

stand back i’v got a hiviz vest and I’m not afraid to use it :smiley:

I worked on the utilities before driving and i had to wear mine all the time, so i seem to keep it on all the time, cant believe how annoyed people get over stuff like this! Is it the end of the world? Sort yourself out

To be honest I don’t get it

Who gives a toss? What I don’t get is why people like you seem to get their knickers in a twist about it. Is it causing you any harm? Is it preventing you from going about your daily business?

Please explain, giving a toss about what other people do when it has no bearing on your own life, it’s even sadder than giving a monkies about how other people look.

I find it very helpful. Much easier to spot and avoid a bell end from distance.
You have to be pretty close to notice a dcpc/driving licence on a belt clip or lanyard.

I picked my son up from school yesterday and there were 2 other dads standing on the school yard with them on…they must of finished work at least 30 mins before and driven to the school yet they still had them on.
What hope is there for their kids…

I picked my son up from school yesterday and there were 2 other dads standing on the school yard with them on…they must of finished work at least 30 mins before and driven to the school yet they still had them on.
What hope is there for their kids…

I know looking up to their dad’s who are agency drivers, the shame :blush: :blush: :blush: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

i think i mentioned it on another thread but i was coming down the 74 last friday afternoon and i was passed by a knackered old people carrier loaded with a roofbox, quilts, pillows and all manner of stuff crammed in the back, it had a scottish flag on the numberplate and seeing as they were heading south i presumed they were going on holiday ,the bit that made me laugh was the old boy driving it was proudly sporting his hiviz vest !

Even airline pilots wear them now on their safety check walk around checks, just in case they get run over by an Airbus A380 double decker.
National Express drivers seem to drive with them,not sure why ?

I worked on the utilities before driving and i had to wear mine all the time, so i seem to keep it on all the time, cant believe how annoyed people get over stuff like this! Is it the end of the world? Sort yourself out

A lot of tipper firms are speccing hi viz shirts and trousers as company uniform. Personally I couldn’t give a toss if people wear hi viz. People who leave their handsfree speakers on when parked up, sharing their days’ work with those trying to sleep, now that’s annoying.

I don’t wear one while driving purely because I’m not comfortable in one, no other reason than that and I don’t put one on when I get out of the cab unless I need to.
No problems with people that do though, each to their own.

I tend to not drive more than 20 minuites before I get out on site so leave it on although I take it off when I go in to a cafe.

It us quite odd how many people you see in pubs and shops with one on though.

I don’t get why folk bump their gums so much on this subject, that’s what I don’t get :laughing:

I dont understand why people get upset either but numpties wearing hi viz vests on motorways are usually best given a wide berth.

Mainly because if they havent the intelligence not to wear green reflective clothing behind the wheel then chances are they are at best a liability, at worst just agency… :wink:

Pink and orange is ok though.

Christ there are a lot of dry arsed humourless gits on here, anybody can see the post is tongue in cheek ffs. :unamused:
The obvious ones that have got ■■■■■ about it (aka agency drivers :smiley: ) are obviously the ones that practice this driver fashion atrocity, and do not mind one bit looking a complete 2at whilst driving.

A hi vis vest-jacket ruined my picture! :smiley:

I should point out that I perform fashion fo pars on a daily basis but wearing a hi viz vest behind the wheel is not one of them. Those that do are just douches and to try and justify looking like a douche makes them even more of a douche.