Please apply the trailer brake

Please, ALWAYS apply the trailer brake when dropping a trailer.

If you don’t, you deserve to be sacked.

You could kill someone or put them in a wheelchair for ever.

Please, ALWAYS apply the trailer brake when dropping a trailer.

You could kill someone or put them in a wheelchair for ever.



There’s a knob that says “pull on this.”

You could kill someone or put them in a wheelchair for ever.
Now answer … I know there’s a knob just workin out who it is though cause it ain’t me … -scenarios

You could kill someone or put them in a wheelchair for ever.


Now answer … I know there’s a knob just workin out who it is though cause it ain’t me

Well I hope you pull your knob better than you use the quote button.

I always apply the handbrake.

It is the responsibility of the driver coupling up to CHECK the KNOB!

Especially if split coupling which is probably the only way anything serious could happen unless the driver doesn’t couple up properly.

A solo trailer will never start rolling whilst uncoupled

I always apply the handbrake.

Good - That’s what it’s there for.

It is the responsibility of the driver coupling up to CHECK the KNOB!


. . . split coupling is probably the only way anything
serious could happen unless the driver doesn’t couple up properly.

I only do split coupling - fridge or no fridge - I like plenty of room to work.

I don’t want to be covered in grease or struggling to connect the red.


I always apply the handbrake.

Good - That’s what it’s there for.

It is the responsibility of the driver coupling up to CHECK the KNOB!


. . . split coupling is probably the only way anything
serious could happen unless the driver doesn’t couple up properly.

I only do split coupling - fridge or no fridge - I like plenty of room to work.

I don’t want to be covered in grease or struggling to connect the red.
.[/quoteyou still haven’t answered . ( by the way doing this on me phone so excuse stubby fingers)

( by the way doing this on me phone so excuse stubby fingers)

Use the “wrong end” of a pen.

I always apply the handbrake.

It is the responsibility of the driver coupling up to CHECK the KNOB!

Especially if split coupling which is probably the only way anything serious could happen unless the driver doesn’t couple up properly.

A solo trailer will never start rolling whilst uncoupled

Sorry but i`ve had a solo trailer move when I tried to get under it,rolled back about 6 feet.

Sorry but i`ve had a solo trailer move when I tried to get
under it, rolled back about 6 feet.

That could have killed a man - think of all the paperwork involved in that.

. . . And they would have charged you for manslaughter if you did not
check the brake for yourself.


Please do not feed the troll.

Please do not feed the troll.

Is there a troll ?

Where is the troll ?

Why? you never heard of a spring brake?Only time trailer wil roll away is if some “knob” couples up without the hand brake on and as far as I can see thats down to them .


I always apply the handbrake.

It is the responsibility of the driver coupling up to CHECK the KNOB!

Especially if split coupling which is probably the only way anything serious could happen unless the driver doesn’t couple up properly.

A solo trailer will never start rolling whilst uncoupled

Sorry but i`ve had a solo trailer move when I tried to get under it,rolled back about 6 feet.

So it was your own fault . You didn’t check the park break before picking up

Surely everyone knows to do the walk around check on the trailer BEFORE reversing under it?

Part of that walk round check is of course to make sure the parking brake is on, but also it’s pointless coupling up to a trailer if its out of test, damaged, has flat of split tyres etc etc.

Surely everyone knows to do the walk around check on the trailer BEFORE reversing under it?

Part of that walk round check is of course to make sure the parking brake is on, but also it’s pointless coupling up to a trailer if its out of test, damaged, has flat of split tyres etc etc.

Also by checking before you back under, you can see if the trailer is too high and you could miss the pin. I know it’s very rare, but it can always happen.


I always apply the handbrake.

It is the responsibility of the driver coupling up to CHECK the KNOB!

Especially if split coupling which is probably the only way anything serious could happen unless the driver doesn’t couple up properly.

A solo trailer will never start rolling whilst uncoupled

Sorry but i`ve had a solo trailer move when I tried to get under it,rolled back about 6 feet.

The only way that could happen is if the shunt valve was in.

Very naughty.