Plating Certificate

I brought a new vehicle at the beginning of Feb and I have not got a plating certificate for it yet,
how long is it meant to take for these to come through :question:

When I got my wagon new in 2005, I think it went through at least one service before getting one, so 6 to 8 weeks?

i had the same concerns when the company i was working for had a new 10 reg vehicle, i was concerned about driving it with no plate, i couldnt get a straight answer frm my tansport manager, so i phoned VOSA and they told me there was a big bak log in issueing the plates, and the were estimating about 8 weeks. i know its a long whi ago, but they are probably busy again with the new registrations just come out

4-8 weeks seems to be the norm. It shouldn’t be a problem as every new truck is issued with a type approval certificate with all the weights on you get on your plate, so this should be kept in the vehicle (the original not a copy) and be given to the examiner if your pulled on a weighbridge.
The weights are also on the vehicle manufacturers plate.