I’ll just add a few bits and pieces, hopefully my account of my work from a few years back may give some sort of detail.
Firstly it’s a completely different job from driving a fridge, I did a year on a fridge and have been moving plant for nearly 10 now. It is dirty work, can be physical and typically will involve just as much work outside of the cab as in it.
A company like A plant is a good way to learn, all the kit should be serviceable and there will be other drivers, fitters etc to help and learn from. They’ll probably want it done “their” way which if you don’t know otherwise is easy, I’d probably struggle as “my” way may not suit “theirs”
A couple of worthwhile tips.
Always take the time to familiarise yourself with the machine before loading it, if someone else loads it and you don’t know how to operate it learning when it’s 4’ off the deck is a bad idea. Typically you cannot fall off level ground!
Never assume everything works as is should, often it gets broken or damaged so take a bit of extra care
If it looks wrong, it probably is. Look at other plant vehicles to see how they are loaded and try an pick up tips.
There are good rewards to be had for getting the job done right, maybe not at a big national plant firm but it will open doors. A fellow member on here started with a national and a couple of days experience riding shotgun with me, he’ll admit he struggled but after 6 months got a different job driving a lowloader with new class 1 licence on the basis of that experience. Now changed again and doing well, it’s not been easy but certainly achievable.
It is a job that will kill you or injure you if you take silly chances, most plant drivers will have experienced incidents in one way or another that could have been very nasty and indeed there are some that have never come home.
Get better or die trying!