Pigs eh?

A man is driving down a country Road Late at Night
It is real dark, No Moon. He cant hardly see.

He is speeding along when all of the sudden, it feels like he just ran over someone !
So, he pulls over to the side of the road.

He looks around the front of his car, he does not see anything. Then he starts crawling around
trying to see under his car. He knows he hit something.

Then all of a sudden, over in the ditch. A Pig jumps up and starts running down the road squealing !
He gets up, dust his pants off and shrugs his shoulders and goes home.

He is in there passed out, sleeping. When someone starts knocking on his door. They are real insistent
He thinks, who is knocking at my door this time of day ?

He looks out there, and its the police !

So, he opens the door and the police say * Sir, You left the scene of a accident last night .

He goes * How did you know that ?
The Police say * Because the Pig Squealed !
