
This has probably been asked before and if it has sorry. But how do you add pictures into the text ; as in the diaries?. :confused:

if you look in the transport photo forum theres a noddy guide there.
basically, you have to upload your photos on to the internet so they are on there permently.this is a good site.

once they are on there you just select the picture you want to use, then click on it with the right button of your mouse. a big box will appear , at the bottom it will say properties. click on properties. another box will pop up ,this will highlight the pictures address or url as its called. copy this address.
when you want to insert the photo onto the forum, click the img button
which is there , then paste in the photo address, and the click on the img button again. then it should work. confused, well i am :wink:

try here and here for info