Pics from this week

Here is just a few pics taken this week while I was out and about.

Potteries Heavy Haulage V8 Actros.

Norbert Tanker at Eifeltor for the night.

French DAF 95xf ssc Loading in Vienna.

Polish MAN T.G.A. loading in Vienna for Russia.

Austrian Actros at the CZ-A border.

Smart CZ.Scania Topline t-cab at the CZ-A border.

Hope you like these pics will see what is about of interest this week.

good pics there ben keep them coming mate

well done ben. how about a few pictures of your truck.

great pics ben, keep them coming!!

good pics! keep them come! can u take some pics of willi betz or any turks trucks for me pls thanks :smiley:

good pics! keep them come! can u take some pics of willi betz or any turks trucks for me pls thanks Very Happy

If I see some I will take some.

Saw a Willi Betz 7.5t this week but did not have chance to take a pic.

Good pics there…

cant see the enthusiam for willi betz dont they all loook the same except for different reg / country ? Is their owner still in Prison in Germany ?

All the same , same as Stobart, dya rememba old Kammac wagons from Skem in thre 80s?, all painted dfferent colours ? He would have 3 the same batch of colour ie 3 in purple, /purple stripe. 3 in white with blue stripes, 3 in green with green stripes etc etc…smart looking fleet in its day,

RIP Snakey

cant see the enthusiam for willi betz dont they all loook the same except for different reg / country ?

Neither can I. He has some nice specialist trailers which we very rarely see over here though.

It would be boring if we all liked the same though.