Pics from an ex-Astran driver


Has anybody got the pictures from this thread? All I’m getting are little red crosses. I would love to see them. Its not fair. We must be shown!

I saved a couple of them, if any more turn up I’ll post them here.

Sorry about that,most of the pics were deleted from the host site for some reason,so I have downloaded them except the F88,which I can’t find at the moment.

But I’ll keep looking.

Found it!

Hope you don`t mind. I have sharpened it up a little. The mysery truck is a Bedford. Its a Pakistani. The Afghans had all Ameican stuff in those days. Kenworths & Macks…

Strange…? It looks just the same on here… :smiley:

Sorry about that,most of the pics were deleted from the host site for some reason,so I have downloaded them except the F88,which I can’t find at the moment.

But I’ll keep looking.

Post them, post them!!
Seriously, thank you. Some of the captions looked interesting but no pictures were coming up. Would love to see them all. Thanks once again,

Kabul Pass ?..Probably Khyber Pass …

All those missing images were there yesterday, but gone again today.

By Kabul Pass, I’m sure he should have written Kabul Gorge, and it’s not all that far from Kabul, eastwards on the road to Jalabad. I’ve driven through it quite a few times and I think it’s far more a spectacular road to drive than the Kyber Pass.

Here is the Kabul Gorge, the road can be seen winding round the walls of the gorge.

The Afghans had all Ameican stuff in those days. Kenworths & Macks…

I packed up driving out there in 1977, and I recall that it was the Iranians who had the Macks and Kenworths, but maybe the situation changed almost overnight.

I was down that way a bit earlier than that but things change with politics.( I will have to look at my old passport ) Iranians were into German & USA trucks ( They favoured long nose Macks with wood & canvas cabs.). The Afghans big trucks were direct American imports. Bonneted Macks & cab-over Kenworths. & of course all the Tonka toys…You are probably right about the Kabul Pass ; The Khyber is much wider…
Just seen that you packed up in 1977…Oops!

I am being lazy here .Where does the Kabul Gorge road run to ? Kabul > Jellalabad , or someplace like that…?

To drive from Kabul to the the Khyber Pass, you’d pass through the Kabul Gorge and on to Jalalabad. From there eastwards it’s a gradual climb to the Khyber Pass, and from anywhere near the summit can be seen the vast plain of north-west Pakistan, stretching as far as the eye can see, in the direction of Peshawar. I first drove out there in 1968 and the Kabul Gorge is hardly the sort of stretch of road, that I could forget. The drive from Kabul to Jalalabad means a drop in altitude of over 4000 feet, in a drive of about 175 miles.

After Kabul arriving in Jalalabad was like arriving in Mexico. Warm climate ,flowers & fruit. It was October or November when I went. I will have to find the passport. I went down that way only once & then stuck to Greece, Italy,France Spain ,Portugal & Morocco. The problem with M/E small problems turn into big problems. Plus the fact that I was on a good salary with the Swiss for basically having a good time around Europe…

I’ve just returned to this thread after digging it up and enquiring to the whereabouts of the pictures. I see they’re there on the first post. Thank you very much for your effort KW. I enjoyed looking at them very much.

Thanks for sharing those with us all Keith, those lads certainly earned their wages!

I first drove out there in 1968 and the Kabul Gorge is hardly
the sort of stretch of road, that I could forget. The drive from Kabul to Jalalabad
means a drop in altitude of over 4000 feet, in a drive of about 175 miles.

Well I had forgotten all about it though remembering the Pass Dave, you don’t
think the lump of hash the size of an orange I exchanged for 2 real oranges
could have had something to do with it …do you? :unamused: :blush: :open_mouth:

…the lump of hash the size of an orange

Only if you inhaled…!
Surely not.

The Khyber Pass is not as dramatic as the Kabul Gorge, or Tangi Gharu, to use it’s proper name; but it’s widely known for it’s political and military history.

I honestly can’t remember it mate, but I definitely went that
way :unamused: :blush: :blush:

Well David, to not recall that pass, it must have been strong, that Afghan stuff, coupled with the fact that it’s almost forty years ago. Do you remember the short tunnels, on that road?

I’ve found some other pictures on the web, that may jog the old memory;