Photo's For Ben

Hi Ben, here are some Willi Betz trucks i saw this week for you. Apologies for the quality they were taken on my phone at maximun zoom.

This is Bulgarian registered merc pulling a fridge seen at Thurrock services on Saturday morning (30/04/05)

This is a Russian registered merc pulling a tilt seen at the same place.

Another Russian registered seen at Toddington service on Friday morning (29/04/05)

This is a Russian and Bulgarian mercs pulling fridges at Thurrock on Saturday morning (30/04/05)

Will try and get more as and when :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

ah very good !!! :laughing: can you favour for me if u seen betz trucks parking again so can you take pic betz truck front - side with show serial number, i try get all serial number collections truck photos :sunglasses: cheers

Excellent Good one, Man :wink: