Pets in cabs

Anyone have a pet they take to work with them for company, or so they are not left on their own whils’t your away?
I’ve seen dogs and some cats as well enjoying the ride out. Bet there are a few reptiles as well, you never know.

Wife’s/Husbands & girlfriends/boyfriends don’t count :smiley: .

I had the misfortune to have to drive a vehicle that belonged to a not so clean fellow employee, I swear that on my first night out in it, there were dozens of small pairs of eyes shining in the dark at me from dark corners…does this count?

Anyone have a pet they take to work with them for company, or so they are not left on their own whils’t your away?
I’ve seen dogs and some cats as well enjoying the ride out. Bet there are a few reptiles as well, you never know.

Wife’s/Husbands & girlfriends/boyfriends don’t count :smiley: .

Used to take my dog on occasions,nobody was able to get in the motor even to shift it a few feet in the yard.

I always had a ■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■ in my motor. :wink:

There used to be a driver on De Rooy’s years ago in an old 2500 small cabbed daf with a rotty with him all the time often used to see him and the dog on the bari to patras ferry this was early 90’s

double post

We got a classic old boy driving one of our tippers: flat cap, lamb chop side burns and a dog with him. :sunglasses:

I swear that on my first night out in it, there were dozens of small pairs of eyes shining in the dark at me from dark corners…does this count?


Used to take my dog on occasions,nobody was able to get in the motor even to shift it a few feet in the yard.

Was that because of the stink?

We got a classic old boy driving one of our tippers: flat cap, lamb chop side burns and a dog with him. :sunglasses:

I thought that were standard Smiffs o’ Gloucester uniform. Or am I confusing them wi’ Cullimores? :laughing:

Boss takes his Jack Russell out with him quite a bit but it means muddy paw prints in the cab and dog hair on the seat. Even by my less than truckfest standards it annoys me sometimes.

seen an african grey riding shotgun one night in corley services a couple of yrs ago.

seen an african grey riding shotgun one night in corley services a couple of yrs ago.

I saw a black African jumping out of a trailer at Beaconsfield Services.


We got a classic old boy driving one of our tippers: flat cap, lamb chop side burns and a dog with him. :sunglasses:

I thought that were standard Smiffs o’ Gloucester uniform. Or am I confusing them wi’ Cullimores? :laughing:

Cullimores is definitely more grey hair then us. Our tipper guys are mostly bald :smiley:

Talking of uniforms, us artic drivers have been given company polo shirts now with the classic “Love a lot, trust a few and always paddle your own canoe” on the back, to give us that ‘professional’ look :sunglasses:



We got a classic old boy driving one of our tippers: flat cap, lamb chop side burns and a dog with him. :sunglasses:

I thought that were standard Smiffs o’ Gloucester uniform. Or am I confusing them wi’ Cullimores? :laughing:

Cullimores is definitely more grey hair then us. Our tipper guys are mostly bald.

Well they had to do something with the inmates when Gloucester prison shut…they relocated them to Moreton Valence. :laughing:

God no. The last driver who had my truck was either really hairy or he had a dog because the bunk was covered in grey hair. Took me ages to get rid of it all, it didn’t make for a pleasent drive for a good while because I’m allergic to dog dander.

Brought my goldfish with me, poor sod didn’t even survive first corner

Brought my goldfish with me, poor sod didn’t even survive first corner


God no. The last driver who had my truck was either really hairy or he had a dog because the bunk was covered in grey hair. Took me ages to get rid of it all, it didn’t make for a pleasent drive for a good while because I’m allergic to dog dander.

The bad news is, the driver didn’t have a dog with short curly grey hairs… :open_mouth: