Peter Cook Transport

Alright lads,
Just wondering, are there any Ex Peter Cook drivers using this forum?
The company went bust in August 2005 after trading for 25 years.
I’m sure some of the old hands on here will remember seeing us at Carissio or Momo’s?

didnt go bust did they i thought he just packed in,it was a good job in the beginning with good money but sadly the money has gone out of this industry

Is that Tommy Pigel( correct spelling ?) who was there in '95 when I started?

whyaye just found this site today allreet eh

Hi Tommy, nice to hear from you again.
Who did you work for when you left Cookys?

Hard to remember now,had a few years for a Danish outfit great money but away for months at a time mainly scandanavi/turkey.Then nedexco 2 years then on with Trev Minnis we did Swiss/uk last 3 years on Cockerill York getting on a bit now just uk

hi you wer looking for old drivers from cooks a few years ago , I no its a bit latebut i used to drive their is this the same daz that worked in the office for a while ,

Hi all, i new few Cook driver’s a few year’s back what year i could not tell you i remember one lad longish hair got stopped coming out of Folkstone one day blue in the bag and ended up in the office they did multi collection’s of wine the same as i and a lot of other’s did.Used to see them in Bordeaux and Macon a lot.They ran a few Renault’s as i seem to remember. :sunglasses: