

I’ve no idea how they plan to reach their target for the future as they’re now so deep in the hole they’d have to make unrealistic returns over the next years just to get even let alone increase it significantly.

They don’t have a “target” they are just defined contributions i.e. they will put in what they say, but what you get out is anyone’s guess.

You’re right, I got it confused with the way gov’t pensions work, i.e. private funds can’t ‘‘guarantee’’ future contributions from future generations or simply borrow/print ££ to pay current retirees like gov’ts do.



I’ve no idea how they plan to reach their target for the future as they’re now so deep in the hole they’d have to make unrealistic returns over the next years just to get even let alone increase it significantly.

They don’t have a “target” they are just defined contributions i.e. they will put in what they say, but what you get out is anyone’s guess.

You’re right, I got it confused with the way gov’t pensions work, i.e. private funds can’t ‘‘guarantee’’ future contributions from future generations or simply borrow/print ££ to pay current retirees like gov’ts do.

Obvs civil service etc. pensions are defined benefit where you get a percentage of your final salary. They do have a target and have to calculate and invest whatever it takes to be able to afford their commitments.


I don’t like this Establishment-Led brainwashing of the public that is being done, that involves “Pensioners are benefit scroungers” mantra when the vast majority of future POOR pensioners - have paid in all their bloody lives, and have been robbed… are portrayed as being the ones to be vilified by the general public■■?

In the “I’m alright jack” society, everything bad - happens to someone else, not you. This wins over the Conservative voter.
In the “I’m alright jack society” - everything “Good” got stopped, because of “events, dear boy - events!” leaving Labour with not much to campaign on.

We’ve passed the point where we can “vote for a better future” anymore, as are we not now ALL backward looking, to that better age where ordinary working people could get a mortgage on a 3-bedroomed semi, ordinary working people could expect an inflation+ pay rise, and ordinary working people could expect their lives to be saved on a regular basis by the then-working NHS…

I’ve only got three names on my ballot paper this coming Thursday…
Where and how to I cast a “Protest vote” even then, when the three parties cannot have a ■■■ paper fitted between them?

I was in Sussex the other day, and there are “Vote Green” posters up pretty much everywhere.
At least they have a fourth party to vote for… What about us Townies though?

I want to vote against both the Incumbent Government, and the incumbent “Opposition” that has failed to be anything of the sort…
Labour have permitted the Tories to run away with their own deep state agenda here.

In a few short years, it’ll be US that are hanging around on street corners, houses re-possessed, and smelling of discontent rather than “■■■■”.
It is difficult to imagine any kind of “uprising” among a bunch of pension-robbed old gits though… :frowning:

To lodge a protest vote you spoil your ballot paper by expessing your opinion and if desired hatred for the party and why. Spoiled ballot papers are shown to the candidates so they get to read your views.

Since the voting machine rig was put in place (software) some years ago now among western (now illusion) “Democracies”, you might have noticed that ballots no longer keep the “spoiled ballot papers” - let alone “show them to candidates” as you describe…

The system was changed after the Brexit Referendum, after the Establishment realized that they’d never win any paper ballot vote again - UNLESS it was “Rigged” at the machine level, using software and incinerated ballots once the paper have been “tabulated”…

Reform Party realize they cannot get past this system as it stands, but cannot get the legislation permitting such rigging changed neither, as NONE of them will be allowed anywhere near an elected post by the very system they seek to reform…

What we need is a benevolent dictatorship from here on…

There are plenty of people in this country - who would rather we get conquered by the Chinese, than put up with another term of Tory Rule…
Personally, I woudn’t be going that far myself - but I can understand where such people are coming from… :open_mouth:

It is for the Western Left to sit down with the Right voting block, and realize they need to be on the same side to defeat this incumbent, corrupt ENEMY that is making us all unhealthier, poorer, and angrier by the day now. :frowning:


Anyone getting a private pension - make sure it takes you well over any means tested aid because if you get a pension that is the same as getting state aid then all you have done is saved the state

“You’ll own nothing, and be happy!”

Well, part 1 is clearly nearly done, but I don’t see how we’ll end up being “Happy” by any stretch of the imagination!

Because the WEF are bad, but the statement made, you’ll own nothing …

Orginated from a speech by our now King Charles, as he is part of this mob…

However, to put it in context and why it makes no sense to many, especially be happy part…

Today no one really buys records tapes or video cassette, yet we can access millions via a phone etc, we don’t need to buy them as we can just pay a subscription and access old and new stuff easily, a much better system for some… drivers now use a phone not a bag of tapes or cd’s, so they must be happier about this ?

This speech was bad for all, as what they want is all products changed to a service, that then allows subscription based ownership only, and thats the part of 'You’ll own nothing" so all your white goods, rented, your car rented, even clothes if they could find a way…because then, they control it all, and then at that point can control your ownership…

Guess they would also like you to rent your property, England we own alot ourselves, but Europe alot is rented.

However, for all the conspiracies, the current issues, are from bad management of the country and currency, by GREED of individuals, and groups… and its bad, but a world agenda, religions are the ones that are world wide agendas, trusting in something that’s non tangible, and science disproves… or

If you want to sleep with numerous Virgins go kill yourself and others… thats a sickos personal agenda and twisted a faith…

Conspiricies that are usually proved, are like banks fixing libra rate, or medicines being forced that make certain groups billions, crashing the bond market like Truss did for the group she wanted to be part of, most likely just used and dumped.

Hope this helps understand the be happy part of the statement, by knowing the source in the context it was first said, and now spun into a slogan used in conspiracies… (of which some are true, some are just BS)…

Winseer I like your thoughts, and also believe in much in what you post, but from a different perspective maybe, and we have always just been plebs to the higher classes…slaves in Egyptian times… with huts… just now its bricks and mortar…evolution of the slaves…

Talking of pensions, if any of you have Capita involved with your pension, they got hacked in May, so maybe the knowledge gained from it allows a group to manipulate the people via phishing, is what they will want the narative to be…

Maybe they weren’t just after peoples details for phishing, easier ways to do this… but the future plans for investment for the pension funds… maybe diversion tactic in play…
blackhats only leave footprints they want followed… like a burglar who breaks in and steals a TV, but actually took a copy of the car keys for later…

Details below of the hack…

Capita warns some pensions data likely taken in cyber attack -FT
05 May 2023
British outsourcing company Capita has confirmed to pension clients that some data it processed was likely to have been hacked during a recent cyber incident, the Financial Times reported on Thursday.

Nothing is safe online lol… how about do a criminal record check with DBS right now…4 weeks after the event…
Currently offline due to cyber incident lol,
Did the attackers steal or modify data?, or looking for a pathway to other data and information ■■?

Just trying to point out If its online its never truly safe, and most peoples pensions are numbers in a database, nothing more… and why tangible physical objects are maybe better., and alot safer…
how many have share certificates for the shares their pension fund owns ? Gold, fine art, watches, etc… usually owned by rich people, always have been, and not about the bling factor, just a safer way to store money especially if you truly know what currency is… and its no longer backed by gold !!

Bricks and mortar is okay maybe if you bought when they were valued correctly, and supply and demand keeps it inflated :smiley: , alot of MPs have invested in this, so are not about to build thousands of houses and devalue their money… if they do, then my guess is they have sold up and about to let the bubble burst, or a freak event and a political group get in and do whats right… this I wish would happen, but again never will, as who owns the media, etc… and most people are sheep, TV tells them what to believe as does social media algorithms,… maybe unhappy sheep at the moment, but sheep none the less… and once Artifical Inteligence gets going… kiss any freedom away… youll be manipulated and not even know it, youll agree with it… bit like Darren Brown on super strength mind steriods… :smiley: I just try to enjoy the ride of life today , and ignore how its all working… bit like a ferris wheel…

I just accept…"Welcome to slavery… no one gets out alive… " and sorry but digital beads of any name are worthless promises that could be dishourned at any time, and that a single button could wipe out or change… :smiley: then see how long it takes you to disprove it… could be a pleb pressing the wrong button, making your 100,000 a 100 … or code going worng… it happens !!

Welcome to slavery… your digital beads are worthless promises, that a single button could wipe out…

Welcome to slavery… your digital beads are worthless promises, that a single button could wipe out…

Friends, Romans, countrymen…


Welcome to slavery… your digital beads are worthless promises, that a single button could wipe out…

Friends, Romans, countrymen…

:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: had a little soapbox moment lol :blush: … oops… cos its sunday…

Since the voting machine rig was put in place (software) some years ago now among western (now illusion) “Democracies”, you might have noticed that ballots no longer keep the “spoiled ballot papers” - let alone “show them to candidates” as you describe…

The system was changed after the Brexit Referendum, after the Establishment realized that they’d never win any paper ballot vote again - UNLESS it was “Rigged” at the machine level, using software and incinerated ballots once the paper have been “tabulated”…

Maybe they have a better chance now, just algin with russian dancing bears… worked for Trump :smiley:



Welcome to slavery… your digital beads are worthless promises, that a single button could wipe out…

Friends, Romans, countrymen…

:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: had a little soapbox moment lol :blush: … oops… cos its sunday…


Put the sherry down slowly.




Welcome to slavery… your digital beads are worthless promises, that a single button could wipe out…

Friends, Romans, countrymen…

:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: had a little soapbox moment lol :blush: … oops… cos its sunday…


Put the sherry down slowly.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: nah, time to top up and go watch somthing good… seen them all a thousand times, but still great… think it will be ‘Carry on Camping’ for this afternoon… no doubt will nod off with all the sherry…

Since the voting machine rig was put in place (software) some years ago now among western (now illusion) “Democracies”, you might have noticed that ballots no longer keep the “spoiled ballot papers” - let alone “show them to candidates” as you describe…

The system was changed after the Brexit Referendum, after the Establishment realized that they’d never win any paper ballot vote again - UNLESS it was “Rigged” at the machine level, using software and incinerated ballots once the paper have been “tabulated”…

Reform Party realize they cannot get past this system as it stands, but cannot get the legislation permitting such rigging changed neither, as NONE of them will be allowed anywhere near an elected post by the very system they seek to reform…

What we need is a benevolent dictatorship from here on…

There are plenty of people in this country - who would rather we get conquered by the Chinese, than put up with another term of Tory Rule…
Personally, I woudn’t be going that far myself - but I can understand where such people are coming from… :open_mouth:

It is for the Western Left to sit down with the Right voting block, and realize they need to be on the same side to defeat this incumbent, corrupt ENEMY that is making us all unhealthier, poorer, and angrier by the day now. :frowning:

Winseer, based on your desire for ‘a benevolent dictator’ (whatever one of those is), you are exactly the kind of person who should have their right to vote revoked. Unhinged conspiracy theorists - and that includes you - must be kept away from having a say in who runs the country regardless of their political leaning.


“You’ll own nothing, and be happy!”

Well, part 1 is clearly nearly done, but I don’t see how we’ll end up being “Happy” by any stretch of the imagination!

Because the WEF are bad, but the statement made, you’ll own nothing …

Orginated from a speech by our now King Charles, as he is part of this mob…
I concur.

However, to put it in context and why it makes no sense to many, especially be happy part…

Today no one really buys records tapes or video cassette, yet we can access millions via a phone etc, we don’t need to buy them as we can just pay a subscription and access old and new stuff easily, a much better system for some… drivers now use a phone not a bag of tapes or cd’s, so they must be happier about this ?
Man doth not live by internet ■■■■ alone, including “Old Bestsellers” ‘■■■■’ or “Political Commentary” ‘■■■■’ that all have their place on Media Outlets like Youtube, especially if merely watched by Iphone users too lazy to actually type stuff, because it’s awkward to do at length…

This speech was bad for all, as what they want is all products changed to a service, that then allows subscription based ownership only, and thats the part of 'You’ll own nothing" so all your white goods, rented, your car rented, even clothes if they could find a way…because then, they control it all, and then at that point can control your ownership…
Not so hot when your “Life Lease” runs out, because you didn’t rise enough to become one of the many millions of “millionaires” around the world, who now become the new “class without want” that has replaced the former middle classes. What happens to those former middle class types who’ve just been re-posssessed/fired from what they thought was a secure job/have no one representing them at Parliament■■?

Guess they would also like you to rent your property, England we own alot ourselves, but Europe alot is rented.
I rent my property from the bank already. There was no way I could get on the housing ladder with £1200 a month payments over 20 years ago when I took my mortgage out… Millions of others are in the same boat as me: Work the system, inherit your parents property - or get a lucrative job working for the deep state, mostly across the water on the European mainland “The only way you, the working class white guy - will ever avoid the rent/debt trap”…

However, for all the conspiracies, the current issues, are from bad management of the country and currency, by GREED of individuals, and groups… and its bad, but a world agenda, religions are the ones that are world wide agendas, trusting in something that’s non tangible, and science disproves… or Not true - unless you are categorizing “Deep State” as the ‘one, true religion’ here, of course…

If you want to sleep with numerous Virgins go kill yourself and others… thats a sickos personal agenda and twisted a faith… Who’s obsessed with “Virgins” in ANY “religion” outside of Satanism?

Conspiricies that are usually proved, are like banks fixing libra rate, or medicines being forced that make certain groups billions, crashing the bond market like Truss did for the group she wanted to be part of, most likely just used and dumped. Banks - didn’t fix the Libra rate. They didn’t have to. They were taking bets on the short sterling and bonds that there would be a “big shift”, collecting all that lost money staked, knowing full well that for around a DECADE after the 2008 event - Libor was being effectively fixed by the Bank of England, no less… Much effort was made during this period to get people to take out “fixed rate mortgages” which insured against a sharp interest rate rise, knowing that the “layers” would never have to pay out on the bets that such a sharp rise would ever happen… Until a year ago, of course - when the banking system completely lost control during the sanctions period against Russia…

Hope this helps understand the be happy part of the statement, by knowing the source in the context it was first said, and now spun into a slogan used in conspiracies… (of which some are true, some are just BS)…

Winseer I like your thoughts, and also believe in much in what you post, but from a different perspective maybe, and we have always just been plebs to the higher classes…slaves in Egyptian times… with huts… just now its bricks and mortar…evolution of the slaves… Egypt - devised the first “Deep State System”, after the failure and collapse of the Sumarian Aristocracy that predated Egypt. “Corruption” brought various Egyptian dynasties down as much as they are still doing to different regimes around the world today. The Hebrews were originally welcomed with open arms in Egypt, much like Eastern Europeans today. After a while, when a new and different (post-regime-change) “Pharoah” had taken over, the policy shifted far left (anti-semitic), perhaps with Historians getting it wrong that it involved “Rameses II” at all, but imo was more likely to be say, Salitus of the 15th dynasty, almost certainly of Amalakite Stock, the sworn enemies of the Hewbrews. The “Pharoah that did not know Joseph” mentioned at the start of the book of Exodus 1:8
It is likely that this conquering foreign pharaoh - started the oppressive practices against the Hebrews, with his successor upping the ante to actually oppress the hebrews with slavery and infanticide later.
The future Theban princes (deposed at the time) then had to swing Far Right to overcome this oppression (of the Amalakite Stock Hyksos), but by that point - Israel had already left Egypt. I never believed that the tenous way “Rameses” was connected to being the “Pharaoh of Exodus” due to Israelite Slave Labour being used to build the “Store” cities of Pithom and Rameses.

Talking of pensions, if any of you have Capita involved with your pension, they got hacked in May, so maybe the knowledge gained from it allows a group to manipulate the people via phishing, is what they will want the narative to be… I keep getting letters inviting me to access my pension early, and strangely not knowing what my current balance is… Almost certainly a phishing attempt - but in my regular snail-mail post!

Maybe they weren’t just after peoples details for phishing, easier ways to do this… but the future plans for investment for the pension funds… maybe diversion tactic in play…
blackhats only leave footprints they want followed… like a burglar who breaks in and steals a TV, but actually took a copy of the car keys for later…

All cyber attacks attributed to “China” or “Russia” - are almost certainly deep-state instigated. IF anyone knew in advance that anyone was going to hack an account - the authorites would be able to stop it, otherwise… “Faux Flag Throwdowns” are almost a daily occurance at present, alas. Putin was Right. “The Empire of Lies” is indeed in full swing now.

Details below of the hack…

Capita warns some pensions data likely taken in cyber attack -FT
05 May 2023
British outsourcing company Capita has confirmed to pension clients that some data it processed was likely to have been hacked during a recent cyber incident, the Financial Times reported on Thursday.

Nothing is safe online lol… how about do a criminal record check with DBS right now…4 weeks after the event…
Currently offline due to cyber incident lol,
Did the attackers steal or modify data?, or looking for a pathway to other data and information ■■?
Have you ever thought that the actual access of the data - is what amends the record to say something you’d rather it didn’t say? We already know that “Checking your credit record” - leaves a black mark so-called “Foot Print” in itself, after all…

Just trying to point out If its online its never truly safe, and most peoples pensions are numbers in a database, nothing more… and why tangible physical objects are maybe better., and alot safer…
how many have share certificates for the shares their pension fund owns ? Gold, fine art, watches, etc… usually owned by rich people, always have been, and not about the bling factor, just a safer way to store money especially if you truly know what currency is… and its no longer backed by gold !!
Hard Currency these days - is backed by resources that the poor don’t have. The poor have US dollars, but you won’t find many unemployed people in the west walking around with Chinese or Russian currency in their pockets, based on elemental METALS - the currency of the future, rather than “Bitcoin”. It is a lot harder to destroy an ingot of Palladium, Gold, Titaniam, etc. (Transition block element metals) than it is to destroy a hard drive or a “electronic wallet”…

Bricks and mortar is okay maybe if you bought when they were valued correctly, and supply and demand keeps it inflated :smiley: , alot of MPs have invested in this, so are not about to build thousands of houses and devalue their money… if they do, then my guess is they have sold up and about to let the bubble burst, or a freak event and a political group get in and do whats right… this I wish would happen, but again never will, as who owns the media, etc… and most people are sheep, TV tells them what to believe as does social media algorithms,… maybe unhappy sheep at the moment, but sheep none the less… and once Artifical Inteligence gets going… kiss any freedom away… youll be manipulated and not even know it, youll agree with it… bit like Darren Brown on super strength mind steriods… :smiley: I just try to enjoy the ride of life today , and ignore how its all working… bit like a ferris wheel… I’m surprised the Government have missed the trick of marking properties to market, so the rising price of properties - brought in ruinous (for the payer!) amounts of Council Tax…

I just accept…"Welcome to slavery… no one gets out alive… " and sorry but digital beads of any name are worthless promises that could be dishourned at any time, and that a single button could wipe out or change… :smiley: then see how long it takes you to disprove it… could be a pleb pressing the wrong button, making your 100,000 a 100 … or code going worng… it happens !!
Modern Slavery - only needs be about Stolen Elections, Inflated Currency, and restricted access to the antidotes to both of those… You cannot just pop into a shop and buy gold bars with cash money, you cannot even buy a brand new car with cash money these days, and you cannot vote via your bank account which would serve as indisputable proof that YOU and only YOU have voted, not someone else in your stead, as the “fiddlers” would have to hack everyone’s bank account at once to rig an election, if votes were cast from within a bank account… “liberals” moan that to vote with “ID” is somehow an infringement on Human RIghts, but it actually prevents Human Rights from being protected, let alone enforced

Welcome to slavery… your digital beads are worthless promises, that a single button could wipe out…

Entirely Concur.


Since the voting machine rig was put in place (software) some years ago now among western (now illusion) “Democracies”, you might have noticed that ballots no longer keep the “spoiled ballot papers” - let alone “show them to candidates” as you describe…

The system was changed after the Brexit Referendum, after the Establishment realized that they’d never win any paper ballot vote again - UNLESS it was “Rigged” at the machine level, using software and incinerated ballots once the paper have been “tabulated”…

Maybe they have a better chance now, just algin with russian dancing bears… worked for Trump :smiley:

The more basic truth here is that we, humanity - have never been at 8billion population before.
We need an entirely new system of government to rule that many people AND keep the peace AND avoid poverty…
…And that system isn’t going to be “Green” or “Globalist” - because before people will seriously follow either of those agendas - they’ll need to be made rich and prosperous FIRST…

Didn’t happen, isn’t happening, and won’t happen in the future.

Plan (b) is we have a serious die-back in world population, so there’s more to go around less people…
Problem with that, is "How do you destroy others without them nuking you out in retaliation?

The government are currently in the process of stealing everyone’s savings in the form of inflation which is devaluing the worth of them massively. They do this to devalue the national debt.

High inflation will continue while everyone puts up with it.

The government are currently in the process of stealing everyone’s savings in the form of inflation which is devaluing the worth of them massively. They do this to devalue the national debt.

High inflation will continue while everyone puts up with it.

If you invest savings in the stock market instead of a bank, can you beat inflation?

I must admit my pension ([emoji817] invested) is languishing, but not sure if it’s just woeful performance of my provider.


The government are currently in the process of stealing everyone’s savings in the form of inflation which is devaluing the worth of them massively. They do this to devalue the national debt.

High inflation will continue while everyone puts up with it.

If you invest savings in the stock market instead of a bank, can you beat inflation?

I must admit my pension ([emoji817] invested) is languishing, but not sure if it’s just woeful performance of my provider.

You could beat inflation playing the market.
You could lose the lot.

Have you as a full time driver the knowledge and the time, to do better than a professional investor working for a financial institution?

You will hear stories of those amateurs who do very well in the market. (Mostly in puff pieces/adverts paid for by investment houses looking for cash)
They do exist, but are not the norm.
But if someone loses their hard earned, it is only to be expected, is not newsworthy, so not publicised.



The government are currently in the process of stealing everyone’s savings in the form of inflation which is devaluing the worth of them massively. They do this to devalue the national debt.

High inflation will continue while everyone puts up with it.

If you invest savings in the stock market instead of a bank, can you beat inflation?

I must admit my pension ([emoji817] invested) is languishing, but not sure if it’s just woeful performance of my provider.

You could beat inflation playing the market.
You could lose the lot.

Have you as a full time driver the knowledge and the time, to do better than a professional investor working for a financial institution?

You will hear stories of those amateurs who do very well in the market. (Mostly in puff pieces/adverts paid for by investment houses looking for cash)
They do exist, but are not the norm.
But if someone loses their hard earned, it is only to be expected, is not newsworthy, so not publicised.

I meant simply as a passive investor holding a tracker.
I guess I should go and look it up.

Edit: I guess this answers my question. It’s been rough lately but definitely positive in the long term (hopefully that will return and continue)


We all know the people responsible, who all expect us to vote them back in again. Personally I think hung, drawn & quartered is too good for them, I’d like to see the full McCoy and make them watch their entrails being burnt in front of them.

Oh god here we go again.

Nothing to do with the Tories or Brexit, it’s to do with the pandemic and resulting global lockdown and the war in Ukraine. 60% of my SIPP is invested in the USA, 95% of my SIPP is invested outside of the UK, only 5% of my SIPP is invested in the UK and it’s dropped almost double digit percentages at various points of the last 12 months. So clearly nothing to do with the Tories or Brexit.

And just to remind you that the biggest market crash this century happened under Labour’s government. Deeper and many times longer coming out of it than the 2020 crash caused by the pandemic.

If you’re not prepared to do even basic research of facts then don’t post comments about economics. Saying “muh evil torees fault innit” just makes you look a clown.

The banking crash started in america - it was nothing to do with the labour government.

Stock market pensions are a waste of time - the only pensions worth having are the police ones where the taxpayer pumps all the money into it for them.