Pedestrian nutters

At work today down a narrow road thats still an A road i pulled up alongside two properties on the right hand side of the road could see a pedestrian walking on the pavement following the truck grabbed two bins emptied them when i put them back i made sure they were not blocking the path so he cud walk past them jumped into truck looked left then right then thought where is he■■? waited till I could see him waited and waited ! nothing so rolled out to cross road back to correct lane only to find pedstrian was in my blind spot jammed brakes on and stopped he carried on regardless without even looking at me!!! the bloody idiot instead of using the path had decided to pass my truck on the road side gave me a heart attack wot an idiot !!! This is what I have to put up with on a regular basis ARRRRRRR!!!

This is what I have to put up with on a regular basis ARRRRRRR!!!

and you are different in what way?

Dont forget most pedestrians have no concept of what you can & cant see in a truck. Many wont even have any kind of driving licence. The up shot is they just assume you can see them & you wont hit them.

I’m also sure most of them have no idea what will happen to them if a large vehicle hits them even at low speed. I’m certain many think “A few bumps & bruises & ££££££££ in compo!” where as the the reality is a high chance of never fully recovering by either ending up permanently disabled or dead. No amount of £ can compensate for that. :imp: