Peckover transport

Hi, does anyone on here work the above mentioned? They are expanding apparently and looking for class 1&2 drivers. Going to give it a shot I reckon. Pay not great but manageable I reckon, but would be nice to hear what type of work would be involved. Cheers

Plenty of Poundstretcher work, and the ability to speak Polska.

And getting to love a Stralis is compulsory.


Same type of work for class 2? The trucks usually look decent though

It’s in your contract, that if you have a bump you pay! This they don’t tell you at the interview! I worked for them for 2 months, I don’t damage anything, but accidents happen! It was unnerving!

When you say you pay, I guess you mean you pay excess IF it’s YOUR fault? This cropped up on another interview I had a few month ago (I turned the job down but not due to this) you paid £250 unless you could prove it wasn’t your fault i.e dashcam etc

not many british there, we tip at the same place twice a week, office staff come across as clowns (some not all) i get an email everyday looking for returns, i rang them to tell them i have a load every friday to batley that they could do and not one call back for it :unamused:

if you start ask for the early chirk and ill see you there sometime :wink:

No harm in applying. Trucks and trailers always look decent and as much as I passed a few year ago I’ve not really done much truck driving for few year and I’ve heard they take on less experienced.

No harm in applying. Trucks and trailers always look decent and as much as I passed a few year ago I’ve not really done much truck driving for few year and I’ve heard they take on less experienced.

ps chirk is a full blind side 180 degree reverse onto a locking loading bay :grimacing: :grimacing:

From what ive seen its a shabby outfit with shabby drivers ,like pd bannisters from bradford but in a different colour paint job :neutral_face:

Care to elaborate seth70?

Care to elaborate seth70?

Calible of driver pal,not my cup of tea ,if your round that area theres much better .

seth 70:

Care to elaborate seth70?

Calible of driver pal,not my cup of tea ,if your round that area theres much better .

Plenty of Poundstretcher work, and the ability to speak Polska.

And getting to love a Stralis is compulsory.



No harm in applying. Trucks and trailers always look decent and as much as I passed a few year ago I’ve not really done much truck driving for few year and I’ve heard they take on less experienced.

ps chirk is a full blind side 90 degree reverse onto a locking loading bay :grimacing: :grimacing:

Now then now then haha

It’s in your contract, that if you have a bump you pay! This they don’t tell you at the interview! I worked for them for 2 months, I don’t damage anything, but accidents happen! It was unnerving!

You did well to last two months!

The work they do is ok, and if your a new driver looking for experience then give it ago, just thought you should be aware of the insurance thing.

You could also try Viamaster Transport at Normanton, phone Chris Milner Transport Manager 07793 603473, they will give newbies a chance, also £9.50 for the first 48 hours guaranteed and English is the first spoken language and also only one Iveco and one Pole (Michael - nice lad!) :slight_smile:

Cheers pal. Will have a look



No harm in applying. Trucks and trailers always look decent and as much as I passed a few year ago I’ve not really done much truck driving for few year and I’ve heard they take on less experienced.

ps chirk is a full blind side 90 degree reverse onto a locking loading bay :grimacing: :grimacing:

Now then now then haha

its not a 90 its a 180 :unamused: :laughing:

stay away they treat there drivers like crap

seth 70:
Calible of driver pal,not my cup of tea ,if your round that area theres much better .

Wish there were some round here(live in Bradford - yeah poor me!) that took on less experienced. Phoned/visited and still only work is bits and bats through agency.

Spoke to Peckover about an hour ago and give guy his due he was friendly and answered my questions and said either call in to drop CV off or email it to him.

Might get filed in the round cabinet but was friendly enough