Peak district, route advice please

I’ve got a delivery to a farm near the village of Parwich just north of Ashbourne, once i’m finnished there i’m heading for Barlbourgh just of junc 30 of the M1.
I’m not to familiar with this area and looking at the map there seems to be several options so any advice on the best route would be great, thanks.
ps , I’ll be running at 21ton in my 12 metre rigid 8 wheeler.

Hi Alfa man, I worked out of a quarry at Parwich for 27 years so know the area well! If you are coming from Parwich itself head for the B5056 (Fenny Bentley/Bakewell road). Turn left for Bakewell and continue through Longcliffe, cross the A5012 Via Gellia Road at Grangemill (the A5012 would have been a good route to the M1 but is currently closed for 4 weeks for resurfacing!) and continue until you reach the A6 near Bakewell. Turn left for Bakewell and at the island in the town turn right for Baslow (A619). Continue to Baslow, bear right at the island in Baslow and follow into Chesterfield. Either pick up the A617 from Chesterfield to the M1 and head North for gate 30 OR head North out of town on the A61 to the Tesco’s island and turn right onto the 619 again through Staveley to Barlborough (a slower route but you avoid the worst stretch of the M1 in the East Midlands!). A word of caution, the B5056 from Grangemill to the A6 is very twisty and narrow, no problem as we used it daily with 8 leggers, but others are not so carefull! Hope this helps, it was the route we used.


Cheers for that mate :smiley: :smiley:
A bit of local knowledge beats the sat-nav every time :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I have just had a thought (dangerous!), the old railway bridge on the B5056 at Longcliffe has a height of around 13ft/13ft 6ins, is that a problem as it would alter the route drastically if you couldn’t get under it!
It wasn’t a problem with tippers, that’s why I didn’t think about it. :unamused:


Thanks for the warning mate,I’ll be running at about 12’4’’ so I dont think the bridge height will be a problem .
:slight_smile: :slight_smile:

When you get to Parwich.
Go past the Duchy on the left hand side.
Then you’ll see a tree, and you’ll think to yourself “hello, what’s that tree doing here”.
then turn left.
Then you’ll see a wall, and you’ll think to yourself “hello, what’s that wall doing here”.
then turn right.
You’ll then see a bloke with a black labrador, walking with a limp, and a glass eye. the dog’s not too well either.
Anyway, he’ll point you in the right direction.

It must be a while since you were there Limeyphil, the Labrador passed away last year :wink:
Seriously, I THINK that I’m right about the bridge. If you have a CB the Tarmac lads at the quarry run on channel 12 if you need help. It is a hilly route from Parwich to the Motorway, be easier now than when we did it with 180 Gardner’s at 30 ton gross, It will take you around 1 1/4 hours I guess. In Parwich myself next week at a farm getting my mates Foden ready for testing!
