pcv help

i have been asking questions to a training provider about doing my pcv i have it as a provisional on my licence , and i have grand father rights , do ineed to do a case study or a walk round course /■■? i thought i was ready to go ■■ :imp:

have you done any of your 35 hours

done 2 days mate

You need mods 2 and 4. Your periodic training you’ve already done will automatically “cross credit” once the initial qualification is in place. Pete :laughing: :laughing:

I’ll do a made up example of how the periodic dcpc DQC (driver cpc card) expiry dates will go under the current DSA system

21 hours of periodic dcpc done so far
Pass all 4 initial PCV dcpc modules on 04/04/2012
Get a DQC expiry dated 03/04/2017 PCV and 09/09/2014 LGV
Complete the other 14 hours of periodic dcpc at any time before 09/09/2014 and get a new DQC
That new DQC will be expiry dated (get this) 03/04/2022 for BOTH PCV & LGV - wow !!
No more periodic dcpc will count until 04/04/2017 which is 5 years before the 5 year expiry date of 03/04/2022

i thought as i ahd done class 2 i would wak on this training course oh bugger :imp: