Pcl Transport

Hi just wondering if there is anyone working at PCL transport or worked there in the past got any feedback for me on the job ?

Hi just wondering if there is anyone working at PCL transport or worked there in the past got any feedback for me on the job ?

gonna put me neck out on this


Where in the country
What do they do

as the advert say’s every little helps

remember some company’s run different sites depots in different ways…
also it is possible for more than one company to be trading under similar names :wink:

Morning Nick PCL transport Aylesbury delivering Dairy products think they have a few other sites Hatfield + Bristol.
My first impressions on the job seem fine on assessment day. But be nice to hear from anyone that has had experience working there.

Right I know nothing about them apart from as you say they have a depot in Bristol and run / deliver for Arla foods.
Bold Bloke might know a bit as they do the same sort of work

Ok thanks will keep my eyes on thread, I passed the assessment last week and due to start shortly it is my first time doing this sort of work as previously just been driving a low loader for a local council repairing roads and never been out the borough. So bit nerves with this job change :unamused:


this might help

Wow !! Looks interesting is all I can say, but you never really know till you give it ago I suppose different depot different management can make a big difference ? Fingers crossed
Thanks again Nick and have a nice day :slight_smile:

That link above was me asking for info on pcl transport and arla. I had the assessment and rejected the job offer as it wasn’t for me.

Going from what I see at night, they have two speeds…stop or on the limiter.

Pcl transport / Arla dariy - #18 by it_says_erf_not_raf - THE UK PROFESSIONAL DRIVERS FORUM (INTERACTIVE) - Trucknet UK

this might help

I would point out that since that thread was written PCL has changed ownership. The company was bought by Bidvest last year and is now being run as part of Bidvest Logistics.
I don’t know if that has made any difference to the day to day management, but I think the PCL depots are still running the existing contracts, although I have heard that vehicles are being moved between them and other Bidvest Logistics depots.

Glen A9:
I would point out that since that thread was written PCL has changed ownership. The company was bought by Bidvest last year and is now being run as part of Bidvest Logistics.
I don’t know if that has made any difference to the day to day management, but I think the PCL depots are still running the existing contracts, although I have heard that vehicles are being moved between them and other Bidvest Logistics depots.

It might be relevant, you’re right, but having seen the calibre of ‘driver’ that Bidvest attracts and the obvious conclusions which can be drawn from that, it may not have much bearing.


I’m sure it doesn’t apply to all PCL drivers but they do seem to have lead right feet. I’m based on Hatfield Business Park along with PCL and they come accelerating past me as I pull on to the A1(M) in the morning. They must really love heading in to the depths of London! Some of their drivers also seem to have a lack of understanding/complete disregard for lane discipline on the various roundabouts in Hatfield.

Then there’s the deliveries - I was in Leicester Square during London Pride on a Saturday with horrendous traffic and I walked past one of their drivers looking for a delivery point in an artic. I did not envy the guy.

The positives I can think of is if the parent company Bidvest are anything to go by, the pay is apparently decent (but only if money’s literally all you’re interested in - no social life). And the fleet of Renaults they operate always look pretty well-presented.


Some of their drivers also seem to have a lack of understanding/complete disregard for lane discipline on the various roundabouts in Hatfield.

To be fair, the same can be said for some of the drivers in the other truck depots on Hatfield Business Park…and probably most other places for that matter. I’ve seen good and bad ones at every company, and I’m not convinced PCL is proportionately worse than anyone else.

To be fair, the same can be said for some of the drivers in the other truck depots on Hatfield Business Park…and probably most other places for that matter. I’ve seen good and bad ones at every company, and I’m not convinced PCL is proportionately worse than anyone else.

Aye, true. I could give endless examples from most companies but PCL drivers do stand out in my mind and not for no good reason.



I could give endless examples from most companies…

…and I will continue to try my best not to be one of them… :slight_smile: