Pat Silk

After reading all the old familiar names on this thread it struck me that some of you may have known Pat Silk who ran continental in the '80s for Nichols Haulage - Scabby red Dafs - but they made it over the tops to Italy every week with no probs.
Sadly Pat died last month after a long illness and is a great loss to us all.

sorry to hear of the loss of Pat. I used to drive for E M Rogers out of Northampton and often ran with the likes of Nicholls, Location Freight, Hercocks, Leggetts… i cant say that i remember Pat individualy, but i remember some great nights we spent at the Monkey House. Great times the 80’s…best era for truckin !
Heres a couple of my photos. I wonder if Pat drove either of these? I hope you approve.

I have to say Truckerash you have the best collection of old photographs ever. I reckon you need to start a thread just for your pictures as i can spend all day looking at them.

I have to say Truckerash you have the best collection of old photographs ever. I reckon you need to start a thread just for your pictures as i can spend all day looking at them.

indeed he has - although he still hasn’t come up with my J.Y.Paxton photos yet :unamused:

oh ■■■■, he’ll know who i’am now - d’oh! :wink:

I used to see J.Y.Paxton quite often on the M/E run.

here ya go jj72, just for you…and all the others!