Pat Hasler.

Did anyone hear the shout out to Pat this afternoon on Wrighty’s show?

And more importantly will anyone own up to listening to Wrighty? :smiley:

Steve who ■■? :laughing:

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: Love the show Steve

Steve who ■■? :laughing:

Pat who ■■? :laughing:

I’m having a bad day if I listen to him on the radio as that means I’ve gone over 13 hrs not only that I just don’t particularly find him funny any more.

I have heard Pat put a request in a couple of times, as for Steve Wright show…i have heard worse.

Yep i did hear it. As for listen to steve wright, its more a nostalgic thing really, growing up i would always listen to it whilst sat in the passenger seat and the old man driving, not wanting to make anyone feel old, i am 31 now :laughing:

wright-another “wrong un” that thinks hes going to slip thru the net

“Obsession “ the new fragrance from Calvin Kline.