Just wondering what is the policy on taking a partner out on the road with you, I haven’t passed or anything yet but I still see some lorries with partners on board, unless they’re co drivers - I could be wrong lol. Need to know what to tell the missus, hehe
My trainer told me that it is allowed but it’s down to the company policy at the end of the day.
i took a mate out with me a while back no idea about company policy, just picked him up down the road and dropped him at the same place no one apart from the guys at the drop were any the wiser.
All down to whoever owns the vehicle.
Some delivery points can be funny about letting you in if you have passengers.
i took a mate out with me a while back no idea about company policy, just picked him up down the road and dropped him at the same place no one apart from the guys at the drop were any the wiser.
Same here,if i take somebody i get them to wear my work fleece or hivis ,saying that i much prefer to be by myself and its not worth the hassle sometimes ,its your job end of the day not a day out
Security risk
No at our place.Company policy
No at our place.Company policy
Same at ours unfortunately.
It’s entirely down to company policy, there could be insurance issues as well.
Most companies specifically state No Passengers.
Some are a bit looser, No Passengers except with prior permission.
A few don’t have any stated policy.
Loads coming under ADR goods rules, passengers are prohibited by law.
The insurance thing?
Usually company insurance policies cover company employees only.
Some will cover anyone.
My boss has no problem with a passenger coming with us for a trip, which is handy. We do weekly trips to Europe, using overnight North Sea ferries both ways. My boss has to book the ferry crossings.
Dan Bear 87:
Just wondering what is the policy on taking a partner out on the road with you, I haven’t passed or anything yet but I still see some lorries with partners on board, unless they’re co drivers - I could be wrong lol. Need to know what to tell the missus, hehe
Don’t carry passengers without the owner’s permission. You won’t be insured to carry them so you’ll be liable for any injuries they may suffer.
Yeah fair point, just thought a continental trip wouldn’t be as lumber some if you had someone with you