
Well today 1.2.13 I passed my class 2 (c) with only 3 minors and passed my mod 4 cpc with 100% so now onto class 1 (c+e)

Well done :slight_smile: nice one
got my theory and hp next Friday I :open_mouth: am pooping it

Don’t worry just practice the mock theory like 3 times a day and the hazards in the hp are rly obv

congratulations to you

and if you go straight onto to c+e you should be still in training mode no bad habits to iron out good luck :smiley:

Congratulations its like being 17 again exciting times!

Congratulations on your C pass, & your mod 4, well done :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

well done

Congratulations. I passed my Cat C on the 25th of Jan. Got my Mod 4 on Tuesday!

Well done all of you who have passed recently. Onwards and upwards as they say CE beckons.

Well today 1.2.13 I passed my class 2 (c) with only 3 minors and passed my mod 4 cpc with 100% so now onto class 1 (c+e)

Congratulations and well done! A good score on both counts. Treat yourself to a bottle of vodka. :smiley: