Passed !!!!!!!


Let me be the first…


Well done joeyd on passing your class 1 that’s excellent
news :smiley: . All the best for the future :slight_smile: .

Congratulations Joey, what do you mean nearly killed him. I’d have swiped him over the nut for that :unamused::mrgreen:.

When i met my instructor he lold me about the chap he was training aat the same time as me…he had his test on monday. He had completed the reversing, been out on the road with only 3 minors, went to do the coupling procedure and forgot to check the trailer brake…immediate fail. Apparently the chap was in tears…it certainly focused my mind a bit .

As an aside, I failed my first test with three minors because I couldn’t remember the couple procedure. Uncoupled it allright, so I know how he feels :wink: .

Well done Joey thats excellent.
An examiner with a sense of humor, thats got to be a first.

when i did class one in the 80’s you just got given some paper work
to learn at home on coupling/uncoupling.

when it came to the test,this was the first thing you were asked about,
so there i am describing how to uncouple the trailer,when the examiner
suddenly says,don’t just tell me do it :open_mouth:

i had to tell him i hadn’t been shown this,and just bottled it after that

do you have to show them how to uncouple nowdays or just describe
how to?

:slight_smile: Well Done, joeyd.


Yes you have to demonstrate the procedure.

Changing the subject slightly…I know it has been discussed on here (at some length) before but bearing in mind that failure to apply / check the trailer brake is an immediate fail, i just talked to the agency boss who gives me most of my work (an ex driver) and he told me that it is easy to spot the “novice” as he is the one who puts the trailer brake on when he drops a trailer !! According to him 99.9% of “experienced” drivers dont bother.



Yes you have to demonstrate the procedure.

Changing the subject slightly…I know it has been discussed on here (at some length) before but bearing in mind that failure to apply / check the trailer brake is an immediate fail, i just talked to the agency boss who gives me most of my work (an ex driver) and he told me that it is easy to spot the “novice” as he is the one who puts the trailer brake on when he drops a trailer !! According to him 99.9% of “experienced” drivers dont bother.


Probably 99.9% of “experienced” drivers ie those who don’t know better will have either taken a wall down and killed someone when they havn’t - you keep checking that brake :open_mouth::roll::wink: . It only takes a couple of seconds to put it on and take it off. That’s my opinion anyway, take it for what it’s worth :wink: . :

I have to admit I always put trailer brakes on. Even when asked not to. As has been said it only takes 2 sec to put it on and off but can save a life or damage to property.

well done m8 :laughing: :laughing:

I agree, I will be doing it exactly as i have been taught. If it wasnt required why would it be an instant fail on the test…and the examiners know a lot more than me

Anyway, better go, the yellow pages is beckoning and i have just remembered a bloke i used to work with 10 years ago who started his own haulage company…with a bit / lot of luck he will remember me and give me lots of money to work for him ( i wish)
