Passed My Cat D this afternoon

Hi all,

yes I know this is a Trucker’s board, but I havent got any one else to tell cos I am a Billy NoMates!

The standard needed to pass this test was even harder to achieve than my Class 1 which was hard enough as it was.

It was by far the toughest I have taken, but maybe thats because I havent been able to work for 12 months due to illness which was cleared up just a month or so ago.

It was my first attempt and I clocked up 8 minors, 2 for being stupid when moving off, cos I hesitated when a car stopped to let me out. 2 for steering, 2 for rubbish clutch control on moving off (one on the hill start). Also I was very very close to the right hand gate (1cm away according to the examiner) when coming back into the test centre and as I came in he said “ooh that was tight” and marked it as steering cos he knew I never wanted to be that close!! He was right of course.

So its off to the Curry Shop for a takeaway and a celebration can or two at home tonight! I dont need to drive anywhere tomorrow!

I did my final 2 days DCPC last month and gor my LGV DQC.

But I need to do Initial DCPC for my new bus licence when I can afford it.

Need a job now to pay for it all!

All the best to you all in Trucknet Land, and good luck to those of you who are starting out as newbie truckers.

No job like it.


I cannot remember so … do you have a pre 1997 car licence?

:smiley: :smiley:

Yes ROG, Motorbike pass was 1971 and motor car test pass was November 1974.

Rog, I want my sons to do B+E test next year.
I know they will need 600kg in the trailer, but for the reversing I cant work out what the distances (Ratios will do of course) from Z to A, A1 to B1 and from B1 to the poles at the start of the garage.
Will cone A be exactly on the yellow line just like my D test today or do we get an extra metre for it.


Well done with passing! :wink:
Just wondering where did you found Bus
with manual gear box? Haven’t seen since 90’s!
Mario :wink:

I want my sons to do B+E test next year.
I know they will need 600kg in the trailer, but for the reversing I cant work out what the distances (Ratios will do of course) from Z to A, A1 to B1 and from B1 to the poles at the start of the garage.
Will cone A be exactly on the yellow line just like my D test today or do we get an extra metre for it.


Base line to front of bay approx 1 combination length.
Base line to cone b = 2 combination lengths.
Cone B to cone A = 2 combination lengths.
And yes cone is set over a metre .

car test pass was November 1974.


Who has ‘acquired rights’

You’ll have ‘acquired rights’ if you’re a:
lorry driver and got your vocational licence (C, C1, C+E and C1+E) before 10 September 2009
bus or coach driver and got your vocational licence (D, D1, D+E and D1+E) before 10 September 2008 - this includes a restricted vocational licence D(101) issued after 1991 and D1(101) issued before 1997

Your current DQC will cover you for both LGV & PCV :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Rog, I want my sons to do B+E test next year.
I know they will need 600kg in the trailer, but for the reversing I cant work out what the distances (Ratios will do of course) from Z to A, A1 to B1 and from B1 to the poles at the start of the garage.
Will cone A be exactly on the yellow line just like my D test today or do we get an extra metre for it.


11 metres wide
from baseline to cone B = 2 combination lengths
Cone B to A cones = 2 combination lengths
Distance between both A cones = 1.5 width of combination with right A cone on yellow line
Garage = 1.5 width of combination and approx. length of combination within a metre so its always approx - so pole cones cannot be used to judge where the rear should be


Passed My Cat D this afternoon

Hi LandyLad,

Long time no see… :wink: :smiley:

:grimacing: CONGRATULATIONS on passing your PCV “D” test :smiley:
:smiley: :smiley: :grimacing: :smiley: :smiley: :grimacing: :smiley: :smiley:

Nice one mate!! :smiley:

Well done on your pass :smiley:

Hi Zanfta, yes the bus for my test was an early 90s Mercedes Coach. Lovely Engine, 4 + 4 Slapover gearbox.

Rog/NoWorries, thanks for the B+E reversing distances.

Diesel Dave - How are you old chum? Yes I havent been able to drive for a living for 12 months now, but I am fully recovered and very rusty with large vehicles.

Thanks chaps for the congrats.

All the best,

I just walked out my job as a bus driver on thurs… you can have that! I swear I am never going back this time grrrrrrrrr