Passed Cat C

Good start to the day, passed retest this morning with only 3 minors so well happy with that [WHITE SMILING FACE]

Brilliant! Very well done.

Pete :laughing: :laughing:

Peter Smythe:
Brilliant! Very well done.

Pete[emoji38] :laughing:

Brilliant training and great staff.

:smiley: :smiley:

Thanks Rog C+E later in the year :smiley:

Well done mate really good job.

Well done mate

Woop woop! Well freaking done!!!

Congrats… you must be over the moon!

How did you find the second time? Were you less or more nervous than the 1st try? I have my retest in just under 2 weeks time… eek!

Nerves were probably the same as the first time, difference being I done this one in an auto just to take away the possibility of missing a gear again :blush: . on the first test I got 4 minors & a serious on the retest just 3 minors so all is good. I think the key is to take it steady, be safe and plenty of mirrors. Doing it in the auto may seem a cop out but it allowed me to concentrate on the drive, I actually found manual gearbox fairly easy but just had the one time where I fluffed it. Good luck with your retest, you will know what to expect next time :smiley:

Congrats pal! :smiley: