Passed C+E

D-day today, 08:50am, passed with 3 minors

Well pleased as I thought I had failed due to an idiot on a bicycle.

CPC, C and C+E all done with Ken Irwin in Craigavon. Highly recommended!

Now on the hunt for work :smiley: :smiley:

Very well done. Congratulations!

Pete :laughing: :laughing:

Nice one mate … Congrats

Thanks all

from only having B to C+E in 7 weeks :open_mouth:

Any tips on companies that take on newbies in N.Ireland?

Congratulations! :sunglasses:

Hell of an achievement, especially in that timescale.

Congratulations! :sunglasses:

Hell of an achievement, especially in that timescale.

Couldnt quite believe it myself either :sunglasses: