Passed C+E Today!

congrats, i got mine at start of month, pleased for you :slight_smile:

Well done mate :grimacing:

CONGRATULATIONS mate! :smiley:

I’m a bit jealous 'cos I want to do my C+E but I am well skint and struggling to find more than 3 days work a week. :wink:

But just to repeat myself,

W E L L D O N E mate and

I hope it leads to lots of solid work over the next few years!!! :grimacing:

Well done dude, a pass is a pass, hope i can get away with only a few minors too :smiley:

Thanks all, much appreciated. I rang my first couple of agencies today and asked about weekend work and was given a very polite “not without 2 years experience”. Only to be expected so I’ll keep ringing around tomorrow.

Managed to pass C+E this afternoon in Sheffield with five minors. Took a shunt on the reverse, had two for undue hesitation (which I thought was debatable but hey-ho) one for positioning which was my fault and one for signals no idea where!

Thanks to everyone on TNUK for all the advice and encouragement shown to wannabee’s.

I trained with Truswell’s at Barnsley (Paul Franks) who were excellent for both C and C+E. I feel a need for a couple of pints to celebrate! :smiley:

Congrats on your pass matey!!!

Better to take a shunt on that reverse to be safe, I did the same and I didn’t really need to but I wanted to be sure. If I hadn’t I would have had a 0 Minor pass on C+E :smiley:

Get down the pub and have a few!! :smiley:

Huge congratulations peak_46 well done ! :smiley: :smiley:

Pleased for ya :wink:. You deserve a couple of sherberts :wink: go and enjoy

well done congratulations, time to celebrate :grimacing:

Congrats on the pass. :slight_smile:

Congratulations!! :grimacing:


The grin will stay for a while :slight_smile:

great news on the pass well done

Jen x


Well done, bet your glad you won’t have to do that again. :laughing:

Now for next bit, attitude is everything.

“Dan, I’m Desperate, Dan”. :laughing: