Pass Cat C today

Hi. Just to let know, that I passed my test today. Very happy, just 2 minors. Now waiting for licence to come back and then ordering CPC theory test… :slight_smile:

Nice…well done mate…2nd person that’s posted they’ve passed today I’m bloody jealous!!

Thanks, mate. Don’t worry, your time comes soon to… :slight_smile:

Ye lessons and test booked for mid Jan mod 2,hazard and theory all passed just gotta enjoy Xmas and crack on in new yr…[emoji849] lol

Well done ricelis - now getting jealous of all these people passing with virtually no minors! :slight_smile: So, on with C+E after this?

chunck247 - go for it, once you get that “you’ve passed” note it’s a great feeling!

Ye cheers trevhcs just impatient 14th Jan can’t come quick enough [emoji846]

Congrats pal! :smiley:
Another VAN driver joins the fold… :laughing:

Congrats pal well done

Well done ricelis - now getting jealous of all these people passing with virtually no minors! :slight_smile: So, on with C+E after this?

Thanks. Yes, after CPC Theory and practical stright to C+E.

Evil8Beezle He, he. :slight_smile: Going to find job just for Class 1 (when get that done) in worst case Class 2 at start. ‘‘Not standing’’ on Vaaans. :wink: