Parking Tickets come 2 x 2

Those services that serve coagulated garbage as food you’d think would be glad that I lowered myself enough to give them my custom? No chance. That £15 ticket I’ve bought’s fallen from my window and I’ve been given another■■? Can’t the idle ■■■■■■■■ be bothered to check the stub I’ve filled in with registration and company name? No, they’d sooner threaten me! Private security collectors, it seems. Perhaps they can’t read?
Anyone else run into this?

Buy next months Truck & Driver magazine (July cover date) at any Roadchef service station and you will get a free parking ticket holder that fixes to the facia and should prevent this situation happening. £2.30 for T&D saves £15, seems like a good deal. :wink: :smiley:

Those services that serve coagulated garbage as food you’d think would be glad that I lowered myself enough to give them my custom? No chance. That £15 ticket I’ve bought’s fallen from my window and I’ve been given another■■? Can’t the idle [zb] be bothered to check the stub I’ve filled in with registration and company name? No, they’d sooner threaten me! Private security collectors, it seems. Perhaps they can’t read?
Anyone else run into this?

:unamused: Yeah, I had this once at Cherwell Valley, like you say, why don’t they check the stubs. I didn’t get threatened, just a parking fine on the window in the morning, instantly chucked. Anyway my parking is always fine. :smiling_imp: :laughing:
Why don’t they get tickets with sticky bits on, like most car-parks have. :unamused: :wink:

Best thing is dont park there…then you aint gotta pay…or just quote C.M.R.
chauffeur must rest…apparentley a dutchman told me that they are not allowed to charge for goods carried under the c.m.r. banner…ive yet to try it out..but i dont overnight in those sort of a bit more upper class :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: