Parking Ticket

Hello all.

I know this was asked a wile ago but cant find it. What to do with a parking ticket on the services? Bin then has they come though the door?



They’re nothing more than unsolicited invoices, bin em.

obviously didn’t look very hard :unamused:


on the third page of the PDF :unamused:

Put into the round filing cabinet in the corner.


Well my step son got a ticket on Rivington Services and we have been binning the tickeds, But now we are on our 2nd letter form Debt Recovery Ltd saying Court next.

The letter say Notice of Intended Litigaton. Have any of you gone this far with them?

Regards Peter

Hi Peter.
Yes, it’s standard harassment technique. Their whole business model relies on these threats to scare people into paying up.
If it’s any consolation, I’ve had 4 ‘Last Chances Before Court’, fro Roxburgh/Michael Sobell acting for Exel Parking.

If a company intends to take someone to court, it must first give notice. This notice should be worded Notice Before Action.
Notice of Intended Litigation is strangely similar to the Notice of Intended Prosecution, a term used only by the police.
Maybe that’s just coincidence :laughing:

First question is, was your son-in-law both the registered keeper of the vehicle and the driver at the time?
With most hauliers, the driver is not the registered keeper. The parking company buy the registered keepers details from the DVLA (very nice of them, where’s the data protection act when you need it).
The only people the Parking Company could take to court is the DRIVER at the time.
So if the RK was not the DRIVER, then there’s bugger all the parking company can do.
The RK just responds (if they can be bothered) with: Thank you for you invoice, however I was not the driver at the time, so bugger off and stop hassling me.

There is no legal obligation for the RK to disclose who the driver was.

The only letter you should take notice of from these people would be a set of STAMPED court papers.
If that ever happens (which is highly unlikely), then you should ring the court they’re from to make sure they’re genuine.
It’s not uncommon for PPC’s to send fake court papers to get you to pay up.

Debt Recovery, as with any Debt Collection company, have no authority to do anything.
They CAN’T take you to court on behalf of a customer (parking company) because they’re not registered solicitors/lawyers.
The only people that could would be the Parking Company itself or solicitors working for them.
Just ignore Debt Recovery full stop.

IF you should get properly stamped and genuine court papers (and it’s highly unlikely), then pop over to for advice, they’ll have a field day, and make sure the PPC loses in court.
The first thing they’ll do is, get the listing moved to your local court. This will cost the Parking Company £80 straight away.

Have a look at this website, they’ve got lists of the chain-mail threat-o-grams the different parking companies send out: … ?t=2214803