Parking Pontypool?

I’m running down to Pontypool on Sun. for del. Mon am ( probably m/t stillages for TRW ). Does any one know any quiet / safe parking around there. Will be coming down M50 - Ross - Monmouth ( from N. Yorks ). I know there is Services @ Raglan, but can’t think of anywhere else, between there and Pontypool ■■

I have a feeling TRW used to let you park in their yard, but don’t know if that is still the case. I can’t remember what is further up the road from TRW - i know there is more of an ind. estate ( i think ■■ Brain is clouded after a bottle of Merlot ). Not bothered if is not a services, just somewhere “quiet” - can’t understand these that just park on the side of a main road ( but that’s another post. LOL.). Aways got a fridge full of food.

Any info gratefully received - will be setting off lunch time Sun.

I park there sometimes, on the Polo Grounds Industrial Estate. No facilities, but I can live without those. Signposted as you approach Ponty. I park outside Travis Perkins but the whole estate is quiet and dark at night.

not much sure about pontypool and other than raglan the only other place i know is the bp services (i think its bp) a few miles north of monmouth on the right hand side as you head south. plenty of free parking for trucks , very quiet, nice restaurant etc. closes its doors around 9 pm to 10 pm though,

As far as i can remember there isnt anywhere else apart from laybys of course, As for pontypool itself its been a while since ive been over there and i cant for the life of me remember the ind est’s so i cant really comment on them i’d stay at raglan if you want amenaties (sp) personally.

Maybe someone else can be of more help…soz

can park on the polo ind estate but leave enough room for me to get truck out tomorrow off to belg and germany SCF’s yard but if you stay on the duel carrageway a couple more rondabouts there is a smallish total garage with a mcdonalds about enough room for a couple of trucks to park

Pontyfelin Ind Est I think the official name is, I know it doesn’t sound nice but just around the corner , head for the council tip, and that is sort of a dead end of a road (no traffic at night). plus a 2 nice butty vans to choose from int morning :wink: …my sort of ameneties

sorry for spelling, brain a bit clouded as you say, after 2 bottles of gewurtztraminer and a jalfrezi phall lol (plus a 6 hr shift on teh forks)

Not sure if you can park there on a sunday, but I usually park on Abergavenny bus station. In the week you can park between 6pm and 8am, and its free and 2 mins and your in the town centre.

At the roundabout just go in towards Abergavenny and the Bus Station is about a mile on the right.

Go past TRW and turn right at the T junction then first left and you are on Polo grounds Ind Est, it is quite up there and there is a cafe on the left hand side past Salvensens but not sure of opening times.


Its probably too late now but when i end up in Pontypool I park outside this place,

Faucets, Lower Mill, Pontypool, South Wales, NP4 0RH

There is a t junction near a roundabout a pub and a mcdonalds nearby and a petrol station.