Any places open tomorrow to tip at Tesco on monday morning.It does`nt matter if they are not serving hot food as long as the site is secure.Any tips will be appreciated in advance.
Think Rikki is the expert on this and would know the best places, i have a SNAP account too.
Exelby services a19 north bound or Ron Perry’s southbound a19 before Boro don’t use cannon park truck stop in Boro bad for lady’s of the night.
Many thanks, i have heard that they bang the cab doors all night asking for any business and do not know of the word no thanks.
Exelby services a19 north bound or Ron Perry’s southbound a19 before Boro don’t use cannon park truck stop in Boro bad for lady’s of the night.
Ladies of the night he might like that kind of thing
Lol true I was being tactful and letting him make his judgement lol
If its the RDC at Teesport, just beyond the gates, there’s a good spot, seems very quiet, nothing there/no facility’s, but its free & I didn’t have any problems a few week ago when I parked overnight. (I was empty though !)
I used to park in Thornaby, up by Tesco’s, pub n chippy
Or come in off the A19 on the A66 to teesport and the lorry park is signed, you turn left at the lights at Asda then 1st right and its just along there, secure as well
The wasteground is after the gates to the port, then Tesco is further down, the Turkish use the wasteground and the port police patrol all night, so that is one option plus what the others have said too.
Do the ladies of the night accept DKV and fuel cards for payment of " services rendered".?
Next to les woolston yard on puddlers lane ,not sure how much but it’s only 2 min drive from Teesport , got cafe etc and asda just across the road , or if u go into Teesport over the roundabout at the gatehouse (unmanned) follow the road down to the next roundabout (BOC on right hand side as u go down) go straight over again and a few hundred metres on the right hand side is a big open area , I’ve never known of anyone/thing get stolen there, and the police drive round the estate every now n then aswell I think
on the service loop of the retail park where a19 crosses a66
on the service loop of the retail park where a19 crosses a66
Yeah just next to the footbridge that leads to one of the roughest estates in middlesbrough!